設備:Insta360 pro2 & Zoom H3-VR
原始影片規格:7680*7680 30FPS 3D VR360(ambisonic audio)
(a)Youtube & YoutubeVR
電腦瀏覽器觀看最高可支援7680*4320的平面VR360,用手機觀看僅支援4320*2160的平面&立體的VR360...Meta Quest2使用YoutubeVR也只支援到4320*2160的4K解析度,在HMD裡面用YoutubeVR看真的不優...另外發現,以6400*6400的解析度上傳的時候,YT也會把它的最高解析度列在4320s(8k)裡面...
(b)Meta Quest2 & Oculus TV
在Meta Quest2的官方文件提到...Even though the decoder can support 8K video, most modern VR video cameras and workflows only generate 5.7K video. Upscaling lower-resolution video to 8K doesn’t result in perceivable improvements in quality, and the resulting 8K video might also have lower quality than a similar 5.7K video due to the lower bits/pixel.
看樣子以Q2觀看為主的3D VR360影片也沒必要硬上8K.....