Virtual Super Resolution (VSR):
Render games at higher resolution and display them at lower resolution.
Up to 4k quality gaming on 1080p HD displays
.Smoother textures and edges
.Game and Engine agnostic solution
.Simulates Super Sampling Anti-Aliasing (SSAA) for games that don't
support it
.Enabled through AMD Catalyst™ Control Center
.Select higher resolution in-game settings
.Available on AMD Radeon™ R9 290 series, and AMD Radeon R9 285 GPUs
5K Monitor Support:
Unparalleled display performance for professionals and gamers who require the
highest resolution available and silky-smooth, fatigue-free graphics
.5120x2880 at 60Hz
.14.7 million pixels, 218 pixels-per-inch
.Dual DisplayPort 1.2 input
.Available on AMD FirePro™ and AMD Radeon™ R series GPUs
Alienware Graphics Amplifier:
Support for AMD Radeon™ Graphics in Alienware Graphics Amplifier
.Expand the capability of the Alienware 13 notebook with a high-performance
AMD Radeon graphics card
.Drive resolutions up to 4K
.Performance that far exceeds the built-in graphics.
.Supported on select AMD Radeon™ HD 5000 series GPUs and newer
Perfect Picture Enhancements:
AMD Fluid Motion Video – Smooth Blu-ray playback with lower power APUs
.High quality frame rate conversion
.Interpolates frames using GPU compute
.Removes video judder
.Available on AMD 7000 Series APUs and AMD Radeon™ R7 & R9 series GPUs
Contour Removal – Improved algorithm for compressed videos
.Removes compression artifacts without disturbing video details
.Available on AMD Athlon™ APUs, AMD 7000 series APUs, and AMD Radeon™R
series GPUs
Perfect Picture Additions:
1080p Detail Enhancement now for APUs
.Provides look-and-feel of 1080p video to lower-resolution content
.Improves frequency response and controllability of overshoot and noise
.Available on AMD 7000 series APUs and AMD Radeon™ R series GPUs
Ultra HD-Like Experience - Makes 1080P videos 4K-like
.Combination of:
.Fluid Motion Video
.Detail Enhancement
.Adaptive upscaling
.Available on AMD Radeon™ R7 260 and higher
Frame Pacing Enhancements for AMD Dual Graphics:
Includes enhancements for
.Metro 2033
.World of Warcraft
.3DMark 11
.Sniper Elite V2
.Tomb Raider
.Hitman: Absolution
.Alien: Isolation
.Batman: Arkham Origins
.BioShock: Infinite
.Unigine Valley Benchmark
.Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare
.Dragon Age: Inquisition
.Metro 2033 Redux
.Sniper Elite 3
.Assassin's Creed Unity
.Metro: Last Light
AMD CrossFire™ Frame Pacing improvements:
.Designed to reduce stuttering from graphics memory intensive applications:
Tomb Raider, Hitman Absolution, Watch Dogs, Far Cry 3
OpenCL™ 2.0 Support:
New features give GPUs more freedom to do the work they are designed to do
Shared virtual memory
.Enables host and device kernels to directly share complex pointer based
data structures, eliminating explicit transfers between the host and
devices while increasing programming flexibility.
Device-side Enqueue
.Updated for improved programmability and increased application efficiency
Generic address space
.Enables functions to be written without named address spaces which
increases flexibility and saves time by eliminating the need for multiple
functions to be written.
Performance Optimizations versus AMD Catalyst™ 14.9 WHQL
Sid Meier's Civilization®: Beyond Earth™ performance optimizations
.Mantle API activated for ultimate performance in
Sid Meier's Civilization®: Beyond Earth™
Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare performance optimizations
.Up to 30% performance increases with FXAA and lower game resolutions
.Optimized AMD CrossFire™ Profile update for improved performance
Assassin's Creed® Unity performance optimizations
.Single GPU performance improvements
.Optimized AMD CrossFire™ Profile update for improved performance
Dragon Age: Inquisition performance optimizations
.Up to 15% performance increase in single GPU scenarios with Anti-Aliasing
.Optimized AMD CrossFire™ Profile update for improved performance
Far Cry 4 performance optimizations
.Up to 50% performance increase in single GPU scenarios with Anti-Aliasing
Year over Year Performance Optimizations versus AMD Catalyst™ 13.12 WHQL*
.Up to 19% more performance since launch in some games on AMD Radeon R
Series GPUs
.Up to 29% more performance since launch in some games on various AMD APUs
*Measured across various AMD Radeon R Series GPU and AMD APU configurations
in over 30 game titles
Driver Efficiency Improvement:
.Driver optimization for multi core CPUs allows up to 15% more performance
for some AMD platforms
ninjaxin (逢甲金城武)
2014-12-09 18:32:00來當勇者
labbat (labbat)
2014-12-09 19:22:00這一版移除了晶片組驅動程式 APU的電腦要另外下載解除安裝舊版驅動後 需要安裝兩個新的驅動
narsilx (反正我們都是訓練用猴子)
2014-12-09 19:39:00真的都沒用到..
dice456 (456骰)
2014-12-09 19:59:00這應該就是14.12正式版?
gbcg9725 (謝謝你9725)
2014-12-09 20:36:00原來是官方的喔 還以為是很久以前那個第三方驅動...
y3k (激流を制するは静水)
2014-12-09 20:37:00是說我當年也沒搞很明白那個Omega驅動和官版的差異XD
作者: sky10515 (Millet) 2014-12-09 21:22:00
azumanga (We Made you)
2014-12-09 22:00:00omegadrivers.net 會依官方驅動修改優化後重新發布非官方的驅動程式。
可是NV的DSR好多舊卡都可以開耶 (跑不跑得動再說ATI的VSR只有兩個系列可以開 也太小氣
作者: asukazero (雲) 2014-12-10 14:06:00
R9 290 昨晚更新過後,目前當機兩次都跳0x1000007e錯誤顯卡是技嘉 GV-R929OC-4GD
kisia (Zetsubo Billy)
2014-12-10 16:27:00裝了OMEGA之後 W7的AERO就此死掉
作者: asukazero (雲) 2014-12-10 17:59:00
等等回家再試試看 囧rz
安裝過程中顯示 未經過認證數位簽證...然後就失敗了...桌面整個亂掉
作者: cloud1138 (aboutthis) 2014-12-10 19:17:00
filet (無力中)
2014-12-10 20:26:007970裝完路過,完全沒事
Omega~好懷念啊, 以前玩Radeon前幾代的時候都用它R9 270正常使用中, CCC終於可以正常開了...
AmoGT (Energie Live)
2014-12-11 00:56:00Omega+BF4+Mantle R9-290X 比以前還要順雖然同樣是FPS 60,不過玩起來真的順暢很多有玩BF4的人一定試試 大推 OMEGA
作者: doogdoog (登出) 2014-12-11 03:57:00
5770 失敗後連重裝舊版都失敗
et84121 (焦糖瑪琦屎)
2014-12-11 05:48:007790正常
xvid (DivX)
2014-12-11 08:12:00原本直升 結果madvr exclusive mode全黑 用DDU重新安裝才正常 BF4的Mantle一樣不順阿
DavisX 2014-12-11 10:54:007870正常
airdog29 (改變不了事實)
2014-12-11 11:18:006870裝了正常 但是premiere驅動全掛 有用影像的先跳過吧
Sugiros (Oh~Happy Day)
2014-12-11 11:18:00R7 260X正常
acbc (katy)
2014-12-11 13:02:00R9 275X ACU 22~27 >>>> 35~42 (1024X768)
作者: durex888 (durex) 2014-12-11 19:01:00
asus 5770正常
gv 7850 1g 灌完 重開抓不到驅動= = 可惡!!!!
AmoGT (Energie Live)
2014-12-12 01:12:00MANTLE之所以會頓,是因為 CPU SPIKE 造成Google上有很多解法,我已經解好了,玩起來非常之順灌了Omega之後,上海是完全不會頓
yulis (笨蛋 尤莉絲)
2014-12-13 02:13:00○○捏著上惹 歐咩嘎沒包晶片組還這麼肥
crow0801 (multitude)
2014-12-14 14:04:00除了新功能還修了一些14.9的bug AHCI跟睡眠叫不醒問題用AMD主機板的 可以更新14.12晶片組驅動
作者: zxc44560 (拉基) 2014-12-14 22:47:00
ddrdod (乖乖)
2014-12-15 00:17:00DDU啊