[討論] 日運Virgo horoscope for 1014

作者: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2017-10-13 23:57:52
Virgo horoscope for Saturday Oct 14
Are you feeling envious of someone else now, Virgo?
Whenever this person is in your presence,
do you feel jealous of something -
their lifestyle, their talent, their looks?
That is a never-ending cycle of self-doubt
and a constant struggle with wishing for someone else's life.
But you have so much to offer.
Take stock of your own talents, abilities, and gifts.
Wish for the chance to do great things with what you already have.
Be in possession of your own fabulousness.
You can't really know what someone else's life is about.
But you can immerse yourself in your own wonder.
Invest in that.
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中 各種羨慕別人
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