ncleo (leo)
2017-12-12 01:25:35Virgo horoscope for Dec 11 - Dec 17
The relationship between you and a newer acquaintance could begin to deepen th
is week, Virgo. It could begin with a casual get-together over coffee or drink
s, and progress to learning how much you have in common. This may come as a su
rprise, since this person may not seem like an interesting or kindred spirit o
n the outside. Never judge a book by its cover. This week also brings the chan
ce to step outside of your usual role at work, when a responsibility you are g
iven offers you a chance to bloom in a new way. Don't underestimate your abili
ty to do really well with this, Virgo. You will be chosen because you have wha
t it takes - either by someone in charge, or by the universe. Just by doing yo
ur best, you will live up to the task and then some. This could mean new oppor
tunities in your career somewhere down the road.