Virgo horoscope for Jan 15 - Jan 21
Have you recently dealt with a neighborhood issue or problem that involved a g
roup of friends? If you did - even if you weren't quite happy with the results
- then give yourself a pat on the back, because you dealt with something that
others wouldn't or couldn't deal with. You are always there for others, clean
ing up emotional messes that no one else wants to deal with, so kudos to you,
Virgo. By Friday, the universe will bestow you with a long-overdue karmic rewa
rd in the form of a lead on a money-making venture, or some sort of happy surp
rise that involves travel or visiting an interesting place. Make sure your wee
kend ahead is well-planned, because it has the potential to involve many of th
e things that truly bring you joy. If you can create a fantasy list that inclu
des all the things you would like to do, you may be able to accomplish at leas
t a few of them.