ncleo (leo)
2018-04-11 00:53:51Virgo horoscope for April 9 - April 15
A career or money-making opportunity may have come to you recently or may arri
ve this week. This is something you have waited for, and you will likely see i
t as important and very impressive. But you may be so impressed by it, Virgo,
that you will feel like a deer frozen in the headlights. But if you don't get
out of your own way and take steps to follow through and make this happen, you
will probably regret it. So keep telling yourself - yes, this is real, and ye
s, you are qualified. Your talents are unparalleled, and this opportunity has
your name written all over it. Work on building up your courage and your confi
dence this week. Try to see yourself through the eyes of your admirers. You ar
e the real deal. Also this week, you may find yourself disappointed in someone
you know who may have let you down in the past. Even though you have always b
een reliable and true to this individual, you have not always received the sam
e kind and respectful behavior in return. It may be time to reassess this rela
tionship, because you are certainly giving far more than you are receiving. A
showdown related to this could occur on the weekend, but whatever the outcome,
it will be for the best.