ncleo (leo)
2018-06-28 03:14:10Virgo horoscope for June 25 - July 1
You have had a few moments in the spotlight recently, Virgo, and it felt good.
Even though you may not see yourself as belonging in the limelight, the exper
ience felt right and positive, and you may be thinking about an endeavor now t
hat will create the same kind of feeling for you again in the near future. Som
eone you meet this week may leave a very unpleasant or negative impression. Bu
t you need to analyze this on a deeper level because your perceptions may be b
ased on something superficial. Because this aesthetic has such a powerful effe
ct on you, you may perceive it as a "bad vibe" about the individual, rather th
an the sensory aspects of it. Late in the week, you could discover that you ar
e about to miss a deadline of some kind. There may have been something you wer
e supposed to do or submit by a certain date, and you knew nothing about it, o
r perhaps you forgot about it. There may not be time to do it in time, which m
ay instill in you a deep sense of panic. But don't panic! If you talk to the r
ight person, you can put this off for a time when you can concentrate and get
it done right, without worry. The weekend may be filled with busy work, but yo
u can make it pleasant if you make plans for the evening, which will give you
something to look forward to.