burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2018-08-27 17:18:58我經歷了一次失戀,現在大家看我都覺得我不正常。
Virgo horoscope for Monday Aug 27
Mr. Spock, a character in the famous Star Trek franchise,
was famously unemotional.
He spoke in a very straightforward way,
with little inflection, and was the epitome of logic.
But Mr. Spock was principled, and somewhere deep down his heart
must have been beating, and he must have had some feelings.
Right now, Virgo, you may seem unemotional to someone who is longing to hear
a passionate response from you.
Unlike Mr. Spock, you are capable of displaying how you feel.
Don't worry, what you are feeling does not defy logic.
Express yourself, and you will lift someone else's spirits
and yours as well in the process.