burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2018-09-15 21:35:34Virgo horoscope for September 17 - September 23
Over the last week or two, Virgo,
you may have received a lot of input from other people, and in your perception,
a lot of it may have seemed negative.
The worst part of that is that you may not have asked for anyone's
opinion or feedback so hearing something that seems negative came unexpectedly,
and you were not prepared.
Because of this, you may be in a crestfallen mood as you begin this week
since you may have had quite optimistic expectations that now seem impossible. Don't let anyone else's opinion get to you. Take it for what
it is - opinion rather than fact.
You have an opinion too,
and if your opinion of the goings-on in some part of your life is positive,
then anyone else's outlook should not matter.
Let it go. Early in the week, someone's behavior may be embarrassing
or unsettling.
Since you may be in this person's company when something unusual occurs,
you may feel responsible for it, but you are not your "brother's keeper" here,
so extract yourself from the situation and let this go also.
Much of your angst in recent weeks has beenconnected to other people,
and your lessons for this week is to rely more on being more resolute
in what you believe and allow others to do the same - all without letting
it get to you.
Late in the week, a chance of good fortune could come to you in the form
of an invitation that could lead to an opportunity.
Say yes even if you are not in the mood.