[討論] Virgo horoscope for 星期三 10月 3日

作者: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2018-10-02 20:12:51
You could certainly sit back and watch as an uncomfortable situation unfolds.
That would surely be easier, Virgo.
You could form silent opinions and mull over what you wish would happen.
Then again, you can jump into the fray and share your own two cents.
You can make a difference.
The first option is far more challenging, of course.
The second option requires you to put yourself on the line in some way.
But the change you can make now would be very satisfying,
and the regret of not speaking up might be even harder than staying silent.
作者: a222xyzw (黑貓)   2018-10-03 12:37:00

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