burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2018-10-05 18:34:23You may come to the realization that you have been viewing a situation
through the eyes of someone who sees it in a sad or negative way.
This person's viewpoint may have influenced you into seeing it the same way.
But if you step back and look at it analytically, without that filter,
you will see that there is actually a lot of hope and positivity
associated with this situation, and you have only been conditioned to see
it otherwise.
This week, you may have the chance to take a new approach,
and maybe even convince the other person of the possibilities.
This week can be a great week for work or for some meaningful effort
you have been thinking about, Virgo.
If you have thought about starting something new
- such as changing jobs or careers, beginning a project meant to improve
your life, and so on, this is the perfect time to begin,
and resources may become available.
This is also a great week to start up a new daily regiment aimed at making
your life happier in some way - whatever that happens to mean to you.
For example, a fitness routine, indulging in a new hobby,
exploring an interest through education, or anything else really,
that will lift your spirits. By the end of the week,
a partner or former partner may want to reel you into something new.
If you had a bad experience the last time out,
you can probably expect more of the same,
so be careful about making any promises and commitments.