[討論] Virgo horoscope for 星期四 11月 15日

作者: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2018-11-15 15:09:11
Personal interactions are favored for you today, Virgo. Those relationships
that you may have struggled with in recent weeks, or perhaps always, may
suddenly become easier to approach and more down-to-earth. This can apply
whether the relationships are work-related or personal. You may have to
initiate a conversation to get things going, but once you do, your
interactions could flow quite freely and enjoyably. And if you start now, you
may find that the ease of your communication in formerly challenged
relationships continues into the future.
作者: spiriter (吉娃娃)   2018-11-15 16:48:00
作者: dreamervul21 (夜熊熊)   2018-11-15 20:43:00
昨天在主管面前崩潰... 的確打開了溝通的道路?!今天就感覺有差
作者: joshuaevans (我們一生一起走吧)   2018-11-15 21:06:00
作者: yui201626 (若Zora)   2018-11-20 11:49:00

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