burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2018-12-01 15:19:56Virgo horoscope for 12月 3 - 12月 9
You may have spent a lot of time and energy trying to get through
to someone with a message that you see as very important.
You have tried creative approaches.
You have tried direct approaches.
You have probably been responsive and helpful.
Yet it may seem that you still have not gotten through to this individual,
This week, you may finally get an explanation that will satisfy you.
It may bring enlightenment and end a frustrating situation.
This week may also be quite hectic where your work life or your home life
is concerned.
It may seem that one thing after another needs to get done,
and you are only one person after all.
You need to be willing to reach out to someone who can help,
even if you feel bad putting your burden on someone else's shoulders.
That's really not how anyone sees it but you.
Reach out.
You may also find this week that a legal, contractual,
or job-related matter will come to a conclusion.
If that happens, it will bring a great sense of relief and accomplishment
at the same time.
You should take time to acknowledge your achievement and pat yourself
on the back.
It is important to honor yourself when you work hard to achieve something.