burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2018-12-28 20:52:05不要再工作了,老娘受夠了。我不要不要不要~(淚奔)
You are not one to put on a façade ordinarily, Virgo. You are a straight
shooter, and you see no benefit in pretending to be something you are not.
This works well for you because it creates a level of trust. Other people
know that you are reliable and that they can count on you to be authentic.
But someone you meet this week may inspire you to put on a show. You may feel
that you want to please this person, so you may be inspired to behave in a
way that is contrary to your personality. Before that occurs, bring yourself
back down to earth and recognize that you are admirable and endearing because
of who you are. Just be yourself. Throughout the week, there may be a nagging
friend or loved one who is trying to make you go in a certain direction you
are not likely to go. Your mind is made up, but this person may think they
can crumble your resolve. Since this individual may be quite persistent, it
might be wise to just avoid any confrontations rather than wind up in a
conflict. By the end of the week, you may receive some good news. This could
be related to a legal matter, an application of some sort, or a work-related