burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2019-02-02 20:10:37Someone you will have to work with or deal with in some way this week may
think that charm and personality can make up for a transgression or a
betrayal. You know better of course, Virgo, and you may be the one this
person let down. If you take this personally, you will turn it inward and
suffer twice, but you need to see this in the right perspective. This can
actually end well. You can't change another person - a person can only modify
their behavior if they want to - so you can control your reaction to it. Use
this, as you should use any other challenge - as a growing experience. Your
week may turn decidedly better very early on. There may be exciting news
about a goal, a contest, or a competition you have been pursuing, and this
could result in great new connections that could further your sense of
security and financial success. You may garner attention for some
accomplishment that didn't get much of a reaction when it was originally
completed, and this could lead to the chance to do more of the same. You
might even experience some kind of a very welcome windfall that could make a
big difference in your life. So, recognize that any challenges you may face
early on in the week will lead to something much happier.