burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2019-05-30 15:38:37The status of a job or some other big opportunity may have been on hold for a
long time, Virgo. This month, that could change suddenly, and you might not
feel prepared for it. However, you have done all the preparation necessary
already, and you can do this. Repeat a special mantra that helps build your
confidence and helps you feel at ease. A home project you started some time
ago may keep coming to mind. It is time to get this done because the
situation could be deteriorating. However, don't rush into this in a
half-hearted, haphazard way, or you won't do a job that is befitting of what
you deserve. This will benefit you, so take the appropriate time and care to
get it done right. You may want to leave well enough alone with a
relationship issue this month because the other party may not be ready to
make a change or even discuss the matter. This does not mean that it can't
end well at some point in the future. But space is important now to give each
of you time to reflect and time to realize just how important you are to each
other. Someone may be pressing you for the answer to a question, but you may
not be ready to give it. Don't pressure yourself, or you may respond with an
answer that does not reflect what you really want. Take your time. You should
be able to figure this out before the end of the month.