burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2019-09-02 20:12:27An older achievement of some time ago that was not recognized, may bring you
some rewards this month, dear Virgo. You may have already given up hope for
personal gain through this achievement, but it may yet prove to be quite
lucrative for you as well as for someone else who may have been involved.
This may even open long-closed doors to a field of study, an entrepreneurial
venture, or some other important dream or goal that you have harbored for a
long time. The kudos have finally arrived! Don't give up hope on a
relationship conflict you wish to reconcile. This month may begin with
friction between you and someone you hold dear, and it may continue on for a
little while; but if you hold out hope that it can get better and you make
every effort to make that happen, then it will get better. Just be careful
not to push or to put pressure on the other person, and don't expect all of
your questions to be answered right away - everything you need to know will
come to you in time. The sale of a property, a royalty on something you
created, or long-overdue payment for a job you did may come to you by the end
of the month. While you may have the attitude of "better late than never,"
you really should take precautions so that something like this does not
happen again in the future. Security is a theme for you this month as well
with this issue and with personal information. Take steps to stay on top of