你可能會對生活中的某個「夥伴」感到有些緊張,他可能有些胡思亂想,或者在二月的很多時間裡,他可能還有其他問題。 雖然這可能會導致你自己的情緒受到不良影響,但這不是必須的。
A gift or a gesture you receive at the beginning of this month could shed light on a confusing relationship, Virgo. You may be confused at first by what you receive, but if you take the time to think about what it means symbolically, the whole thing will begin to make sense. And this will be a happy discovery. Be sure to create a plan early in the month for all of the chores and assignments you have right now - especially those that have deadlines - or you could wind up feeling overwhelmed later on. On
the other hand, if you do remain on top of these things, you should be able to accomplish far more than you think, bringing you an outstanding sense of accomplishment and pride. You may have some tension with people in the role of "partner" in your life who may be a bit on the cranky side, or they may have other issues for a great deal of time in February. While this may cause your own mood to descend, it doesn't have to. Try to separate yourself from anyone else's bad or dramatic moods, and try to find
humor in everything that happens. This should pass quickly. You are - or at least you feel like you are - at your best when everything is in its place and plans are set in stone. But this month, you may become involved in a situation where things feel a bit chaotic. Do not underestimate your ability to take charge and handle this effectively and efficiently despite a lack of foresight and planning.
(Copyright to DailyHoroscope,translated by Kelsie)