[討論] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/10

作者: pipigod (HS)   2022-06-10 22:13:28
我們很容易以生活背景去評價一個人, 比如他們在哪裡長大、上哪所學校、乃至著裝打
It is easy to evaluate someone based on what they do for a living, where they
grew up, where they went to school, or even the clothing they are wearing. We
tend to form opinions based on these things, even though each represents only
a small fraction of a person's life. Be careful today not to jump to an
opinion of someone based on what you can see. There is much more to know, but
you might miss it if you are limited by an insignificant collection of
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作者: vintage18 (夏莉)   2022-06-11 02:45:00

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