有個人在美板官網發了一篇廢文 說外掛其實是Blizzard的陰謀
結果意外釣出客服的藍帖 並且跟玩家有一番問答
Stop complaining about Blizzard not taking action against the bots. If no one
has yet to notice, the only reason these "bots" are allowed is because blizzard
created them to speed up the BG queue process.
Wont be the first time blizzard made a bad idea...
別再抱怨官方都沒抓外掛了 其實這些外掛是官方為了加速戰場排隊而放的
There's a lot of threads on this topic in here, but this one had the most
entertaining premise, so this is where I'll say this.
We wage a constant battle against bots. Blizzard has an entire department
devoted to tracking down bots, hacks, and the like, and punishing those who
make use of them. In fact, if/when you have something to report, you can email
that team directly at hacks@blizzard.com. They'd absolutely love to hear from
有很多文章都在討論外掛 但這篇有個最有趣的假說 所以讓我來回應一下
我們一直都在對抗外掛 Blizzard有一整個部門專門用來對付外掛或駭客
如果需要回報 你可以寫信到 hacks@blizzard.com 他們會很高興看到的。
That goes for more than just bots, as well. Exploits, cheats, hacks