※ 引述《arashiaoi (aoi)》之銘言:
: 原文:
: Shaman
: Elemental
: 元素
: Elemental Overload now increases multistrike damage by 20% (down from 35%).
: 元素超載增傷從35%下修到20%
: Restoration
: 恢復
: Chain Heal now heals for 25% more.
: 治療鏈補量增加25%
: Riptide no longer increases Chain Heal's effectiveness by 25% on the primary
: target.
: 激流不再增加治療鏈首要目標25%治療量
: 補薩威武! 回到TBC無腦鏈時代了?
Item - Shaman T18 Elemental 2P Bonus (New) Your Earth Shock has a 15% chance
to not consume the Lightning Shield charge and have its cooldown instantly
Item - Shaman T18 Elemental 4P Bonus (New) For 5 Lightning Shield charges
consumed, you conjure a Lightning Vortex near your location. Running through
the Lightning Vortex will increase your total haste by 15% for until
2件 大地震擊有15%機率不消耗閃電盾,並立即重置震擊CD
4件 消耗5層閃電盾會產生一個閃電渦流在附近,穿過渦流會使加速提高15%直到取消
Item - Shaman T18 Enhancement 2P Bonus (New) Stormstrike generates a charge
of Maelstrom Weapon.
Item - Shaman T18 Enhancement 4P Bonus (New) Maelstrom Weapon now has 10
2件 風暴打擊會產生1層氣旋武器
4件 氣旋武器可堆疊10次
Item - Shaman T18 Restoration 2P Bonus (New) The critical healing of your
Riptide is increased to 200%.
Item - Shaman T18 Restoration 4P Bonus (New) When you Chain Heal, you also
apply Riptide to the primary target.
2件 激流的極效治療提高到200%
4件 施放治療練時,同時對第一個目標施放激流