這幾天能戰的都戰的差不多了 不如再貼一篇新的劇透(X) 八卦(O)
Day 13
Screw that tank, lemme respec.
Day 14
Attack on titAn.
Day 15
Why is Thrall green?
Day 16
I have no time for games, paladins.
Day 17
Yeah CoG is an expansion name.
Day 18
Remember what happened when corgi was unleashed.
Day 19
Nobody has seen Alleria and Turalyon...oh wait.
Day 20
Sargeras, we had a pact!
Day 21
Jailor awakens.
Day 22
You defeated Gul'dan. Do you want to continue?
Day 0(new)
So you're prepared?
A大寫可能指某個A開頭的泰坦 例如說安薩(大誤
一個是阿曼蘇爾 萬神殿之主 薩總的兄弟 曾為永恆之王諾茲多姆加持的時與雷電之主
"You know not what you have done. Aman'Thul... What I... have... seen..."
一個是阿格拉馬 復仇者 薩總以前的副官 對抗軍團的先鋒
(Attack on Titan是進擊的巨人的英文標題翻譯)
芭樂丁應該是指老佛爺團體 畢竟現在的元老級聖騎已不多...除非烏瑟轉生
Council of Glades是版本名
大姐終於要回來了 三姐妹終於能齊聚...在推倒女王的副本上?
(corgi是大英女王伊莉莎白二世的御寵品種 前陣子還有上英國新聞
薩總回來了 不甚意外
"And the jailor being awakened out of his sleep,
and seeing the doors of the prison opened,
having drawn a sword was going to kill himself,
thinking the prisoners had fled."
聖經 達秘譯版 16:27
You are not prepared!
下面那張艾薩拉之眼因為不是雙人組貼的 暫不評論