August 17
團隊及地城 Raids and Dungeons
戰爭的號角拾取增益 Loot Buff for Call to Arms
* Savage Satchel of Cooperation, awarded for completing a class role that's in
demand through Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder received a boost to its contents
* Increased the amount of gold awarded by over 200%!
* The satchel now has a chance for additional Baleful tokens, Empowered Ape
xis Fragment, and Medallion of the Legion.
* 自團隊搜尋器或地城搜尋器需求下完成副本,而獲得的蠻荒合作背袋已獲得增益:
* 自裡面獲得的金幣增加超過200%!
* 背袋現在有機會獲得額外的邪怨部件、強力頂尖裂片及燃燒軍團徽章。
地獄火堡壘 Hellfire Citadel
祖霍拉克 Xhul'horac
* Omnus's Singularity damage can now be reduced by damage reduction effects on
Raid Finder difficulty.
* 團隊搜尋器難度下,歐姆納斯的奇異點造成的傷害,現在可被減傷效果影響
物品 Items
* Annihilator should no longer trigger its chance on hit effect on targets tha
t are above level 63.
* Fixed an issue where Rancorbite Mail Agility 4-piece set bonus was not corre
ctly scaling its damage down in Timewalking dungeons.
* 殲滅者的效果不會於擊中目標等級63級以上時觸發。
* 修正怨噬套裝(敏捷)4件效果的傷害於時光漫遊地城中,錯誤未調整數值的問題。