September 8
要塞 Garrison
船塢 Shipyard
* [需要伺服器重啟] 部落角色於船塢解鎖航空母艦後,可到船塢參觀他們,而該類型船
* 部分海軍任務成就已加入進度條
* 海軍獎勵任務專家/高手
* 海軍戰鬥任務專家/高手
* 海軍攻城任務專家/高手
* 海軍訓練任務專家/高手
* 海軍尋寶任務專家/高手
* [Requires a realm restart] Horde characters that have unlocked the carrier f
or their Shipyards should now be able to visit the carrier without having it p
hase out.
* Progress bars have been added to a number of naval achievements.
* Naval Bonus Specialist/Expert
* Naval Combat Specialist/Expert
* Naval Siege Specialist/Expert
* Naval Training Specialist/Expert
* Naval Treasure Specialist/Expert
獎勵事件 Bonus Events
時光漫遊 Timewalking
* 修正一個導致嚴寒時光扭曲稜石需要德拉諾之霸帳號才能起始/完成任務的問題。
* Fixed an issue where Frigid Timewarped Prism incorrectly required an account
to be flagged for Warlords of Draenor to start or complete the quest, The Uns
table Prism.
玩家對玩家 PvP
傭兵模式 Mercenary Mode
* 修正一個導致記分板會錯誤顯示角色原始種族的問題。
* Fixed an issue where the score board would incorrectly display a character's
original race.
修理蟲子Bug Fix
* 修正一個導致哥布林、狼人於完成起始任務前,錯誤獲得種族特長的問題。
* Fixed an issue where newly created Goblin and Worgen characters were incorre
ctly receiving their racial abilities instead of learning them through the sta
rting experience.