Box office Mojo本周票房報導,截錄一下魔獸相關段落:
Now You See Me 2 fell 56.9% for an estimated $9.6 million, much
steeper than the first film's 35% drop, but nothing on the board
really compares to Warcraft's second weekend.
After a rather dismal opening weekend for the video game adaptation,
Warcraft fell 73% on its second weekend, bringing in just $6.5 million,
drawing a close comparison to 2005's Doom, which fell 72.7% after an
equally disappointing opening. Warcraft's drop is the third largest
second weekend drop for a film playing in over 3,000 theaters behind
2009's Friday the 13th (80.4%) and Fifty Shades of Grey (73.9%).
The big difference here, however, is Warcraft only opened with $24.1
million while those two other films opened with $40.5 million and $85.1
million respectively, giving them both much further to fall.
Warcraft did, however, bring in another $41.2 million internationally
this weekend as its global cume now climbs to $377.6 million, more than
$200 million of which comes from China.
※ 引述《pressurepot (壓力鍋)》之銘言:
: 《魔獸:崛起》北美首周票房兩千四百多萬,第一名是溫子仁的《厲陰
: 宅2》,大概四千多萬。去年首周票房差不多的片子是《世界大對戰》,
: 跟前後票房比北美最終可能落在三十幾名的位置。
: 以電玩遊戲改編來說,不計算通膨的話北美首周比《古墓奇兵》第一集
: (四千七百萬)、《波斯王子時之沙》(三千七百萬)少,大約在每集
: 《惡靈古堡》的平均值。
: 不過因為中國票房太強,以全球來看(帳面上)這個周末就已經超越《
: 古墓奇兵》了,目前以兩億八千六百萬位於今年度票房第十一名,北美
: 則是年度第38名。
: 如果中國票房是真的,應該是可以考慮拍續集了,基本上北美或許無法,
: 但沒意外全球最賣座電玩改編電影有機會是他的。(目前第一名是《古墓
: 奇兵》,第二名是《憤怒鳥玩電影》,中國因素跟憤怒鳥大概是《魔獸:
: 崛起》能否稱冠最大的變數了。
: 以上部落新聞報導。