[閒聊] 官方回應鏡頭問題(但最遠距離他不想多說

作者: arcross (阿插)   2016-07-27 23:44:31
官網原文: http://goo.gl/ZMXqk0
First and foremost, please know that this is a topic of discussion and
development across multiple teams here. We have teammates who are sensitive
to motion sickness. We care very much about making sure playing our game doesn
’t make you – or them – feel unwell.
Although the maximum camera distance changes are the most immediately
noticeable, there were several less-apparent changes made to how the camera
functions in the pre-expansion patch, and we’ve already identified some
cases where those changes may be causing issues. Here’s a few examples:
We’ve found an issue with camera shake effects, which we’re currently
working to hotfix (if you’ve run Bloodmaul Slag Mines since the patch, you’
ve likely noticed this one).
There was a systemic change to our graphical renderer which changes the way
FoV is calculated. Manually resizing the viewable game area (which is usually
done via “viewport” addons) may be affecting the game camera differently
than before. We have identified the cause of this issue and are actively
addressing it.
We’re also tracking down some vehicle-related camera bugs.
We believe that underlying issues like these are the actual source of many of
the motion sickness concerns. To that end, if you find yourself feeling ill
in-game, examples of where you were and what you were doing at the time would
be very useful for helping us track down exactly what’s causing the issue,
especially if you can provide video footage so that we can see what the
camera was doing at the time.
This issue is very important to us, and we’re working hard on investigating
and correcting it as quickly as possible. Any examples you can send us are
very much appreciated.
Thank you very much.
作者: ekrik (unknown)   2016-07-27 23:51:00
據說有人去單刷舊副本 然後被晃到暈倒
作者: ccl007 (.......)   2016-07-27 23:52:00
這種回應只能給87分 乾脆去看醫生如何?
作者: owlonoak (深邃光輝)   2016-07-27 23:52:00
是哪一個副本啊 想體驗一下
作者: becca945 (頻果芽子)   2016-07-27 23:53:00
搭鳥 那種會拍翅膀的會頭暈 潘達風箏不會....
作者: ccl007 (.......)   2016-07-27 23:53:00
有動態鏡頭全開的指令 開了試試看!
作者: aggressorX (阿沖)   2016-07-27 23:55:00
作者: ccl007 (.......)   2016-07-27 23:55:00
作者: arcross (阿插)   2016-07-27 23:56:00
作者: scvb (格雷)   2016-07-27 23:58:00
作者: arcross (阿插)   2016-07-27 23:58:00
關鍵字 3D龍
作者: ccl007 (.......)   2016-07-27 23:58:00
距離太近加上動態鏡頭 可以達到類似VR效果 試玩VR就知道速度太快 自己310小D去拔草半小時就受不鳥了
作者: mystery7631 (超潮設計師)   2016-07-28 00:02:00
作者: ccl007 (.......)   2016-07-28 00:04:00
玩那種殭屍慢慢出來 還可以 可是WOW這種速度感 很快就吐吧
作者: meishan31 (邊緣人)   2016-07-28 00:09:00
Pokemon好像是閃光, 這個是FPS或TPS不適應?
作者: ccl007 (.......)   2016-07-28 00:11:00
畫面瞬間光影變化過大 不然皮卡丘每集都在放閃電 也沒吐過
作者: arcross (阿插)   2016-07-28 00:20:00
作者: ccl007 (.......)   2016-07-28 00:22:00
作者: ekrik (unknown)   2016-07-28 00:33:00
去reddit找一下吧 確實是有病被晃暈的
作者: osedax (Andrew711)   2016-07-28 00:34:00
作者: ekrik (unknown)   2016-07-28 00:35:00
前天回鏡頭距離 有人說很晃 後來去打了一次關掉會好一點但火鳥飛出來的時候那個晃現在沒辦法關
作者: anadabaga (*願你的航行風吹不息*)   2016-07-28 01:36:00
OW不會暈 反而WOW會暈 這是哪招啊!? -o-
作者: jackz (呦呵呵)   2016-07-28 01:41:00
玩的人那麼多 總有幾個會暈的
作者: sillymon (塑膠袋)   2016-07-28 01:42:00
四風打拉基 進P2鏡頭會被丟進洗衣機
作者: s891234 (嘟嚕咑)   2016-07-28 02:09:00
作者: vegastear   2016-07-28 04:09:00
打四風二王轉階段時真的每隻角色都像被丟到洗衣機 QQ
作者: windwater77 (恋は渾沌の隷也)   2016-07-28 08:53:00
作者: adasin (ada)   2016-07-28 09:40:00
原來四風那個就是動態鏡頭? 還挺無意義的.......晃第一次遇到還以為電腦要爆了....
作者: s87087   2016-07-28 11:56:00
四風二王還以為是我壞了 XDDDD 為了附魔魔典跑去打可是我動態鏡頭有關掉耶
作者: superLM (Let's play it by ear)   2016-07-28 13:26:00
作者: asukaka (阿酥咔咔)   2016-07-28 15:29:00
作者: dragon6 (阿龍)   2016-07-28 18:04:00

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