Re: [情報] 7.2.5 PTR Build 23958 術士

作者: deathson (小米)   2017-04-21 11:54:25
※ 引述《w12389034e (′・ω・‵)》之銘言:
: 剛剛看MMO看到,稍微翻一下XD
簡單來說, 下個PTR版本會把靈魂幻影拿掉.
靈魂幻影在原始想法上看起來很有趣, 但是實際上沒有這種感覺.
雖然數字上很接近, 不過運作起來卻不是這麼一回事.
不管怎樣, 這天賦(靈魂幻影)拿掉了.
靈魂導體對痛苦系應該維持20%, 而非像先前PTR上顯示的下調到12%.
T20的套裝特效也會修改, 將不會再那麼集中於吸取靈魂上.
7.2.5 Affliction Warlock Feedback
We hear you all on Soul Effigy. We’re going to remove it in the next PTR
patch. It’s concerning when the community sentiment towards a talent isn’t
that it’s overpowered or underpowered, but that everyone is terrified they’
re going to have to play that way if it becomes strong.
It should be understandable how the original concept of Soul Effigy would
seem fun in theory, despite it clearly not working out in practice. As an
Affliction Warlock, I'm very happy to walk into a 2-target boss fight. At a
basic level, you know you're going to get double value out of your DoTs.
Walking into a 1-target fight with Soul Effigy just doesn't feel nearly the
same. Mechanically, the gameplay of the two situations is very similar, but
in the end Soul Effigy doesn't play out well. Could be any of a number of
actors - the reduced damage transfer, feeling like the effigy is just there
for increased soul shard generation, the usability issues, or the
unnaturalness of it as a concept.
Anyways, it’s gone. Replacement talent to come.
Thanks for the comment Seph, can you clarify whether Affliction will be
receiving the nerf to Soul Conduit or not? The notes said only demo was
excluded from the SC nerf however on PTR the talent remains 20% for Aff (the
tooltip at least, I have not tested the actual %).
Soul Conduit should be unchanged for Affliction. Latest patch notes should
reflect that.
This is also further compounded by our current T20 set bonus, which puts a
lot of emphasis on drain damage and complete drains - both of which are part
of the MG play style, which was just effectively neutered.
The Tier 20 set bonus for Affliction is changing soon. It won’t be so
focused on Drain Soul.
作者: breakblue (深蒼)   2017-04-21 12:01:00
國際大麻日哈太多了嗎 居然會想把這麼"有趣"的東西拿掉
作者: rinoa00203 (說書人)   2017-04-21 12:06:00
作者: w12389034e (林小緯)   2017-04-21 12:07:00
鏡子終於刪掉了 不過都版本中了還在設計天賦...
作者: deathson (小米)   2017-04-21 12:09:00
作者: initial1635 (AmazingTWman)   2017-04-21 12:17:00
還是覺得WOD的技能設計比較完善 這D3團隊改啥改
作者: kusorpg (a死侯)   2017-04-21 12:28:00
一個版本術士 各種享受 痛苦 毀滅 都重新做一次
作者: broian   2017-04-21 12:33:00
作者: hydra3179 (柚木N的N)   2017-04-21 12:35:00
作者: scottayu (偽裝成熟女控的正太控...)   2017-04-21 12:39:00
額外花30%的精力來輸出,卻只有10%的效益 有趣?
作者: moccabranco   2017-04-21 12:41:00
作者: sarevork (蚰梜黎h郎)   2017-04-21 12:41:00
結果把這個給毀滅 單體王也要記得浩劫混沌箭
作者: kusorpg (a死侯)   2017-04-21 12:45:00
作者: hansen5026 (瀚生)   2017-04-21 12:46:00
原本強行把單目標變成雙目標在打就是很蠢的事= =
作者: tot9221 (江城子)   2017-04-21 12:49:00
作者: sillymon (塑膠袋)   2017-04-21 13:18:00
作者: mike0327 (小麥)   2017-04-21 14:04:00
作者: CrazyLord (Lucian)   2017-04-21 14:15:00
作者: seraphimmoon (秋日風清)   2017-04-21 14:15:00
作者: skuld007 (我搞笑很強 ˇˇ)   2017-04-21 15:04:00
作者: HyperFury (煞卍乂鳳凰騎士乂卍氣)   2017-04-21 15:34:00
作者: jkcome (阿骨打)   2017-04-21 15:51:00
作者: gungriffon (阿毛毛Q)   2017-04-21 15:56:00
樓上忘了獻祭3版初期 這些DOT全上後沒事暗影箭的年代
作者: HyperFury (煞卍乂鳳凰騎士乂卍氣)   2017-04-21 16:17:00
天啊 七個DOT...
作者: aresa (秋涼)   2017-04-21 16:26:00
作者: Esun0104 (尚恩)   2017-04-21 18:27:00
作者: bbflyfly   2017-04-21 20:17:00
作者: berryc (so)   2017-04-22 03:28:00
沒有複製貼上, 多一個鏡子真的自找麻煩...好歹也把傷害量提升啊快照年代起馬有個捏碎片瞬間上3DOT (圍攻奧格瑪)一直複製貼上還可以變相延長時間. 多目標超爽快的..

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