General Traits:
Vampiric Speed: When an enemy you damaged dies, gain 77 Speed and heal for
Gutripper: Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal 231 Physical damage
to the target. The frequency of this effect increases the lower their health.
Winds of War: When you take damage, gain 39 dodge rating for 3 sec. This
effect can stack up to 10 times.
Woundbinder: Your heals have a chance to grant up to 154 haste, critical
strike, mastery, or versatility for 6 sec. The amount granted is scaled by
the target's health.
On My Way: Increases your versatility by 154 and movement speed by 46.
Blood Siphon: Increases mastery by 116 and leech by 23.
Death Knight:
Dark Grudge: Death Strike heals for an additional 0.5 sec of damage taken,
and Death Strike deals an additional 231 damage.
Decimate: Frost - Obliterate has an additional 5% chance to trigger Rime,
and Obliterate deals an additional 539 damage when it critically strikes.
Scourge the Unbeliever: Unholy - Scourge Strike grants your Ghoul 5 energy,
and ?0[Clawing Shadows][Scourge Strike] deals an additional 231 damage.
Zealotry: Ret - Crusader Strike deals an additional 6% damage over until
cancelled, and does 231 additional damage.
Divine Illumination: Holy - Holy Shock has 5% additional critical strike
chance, and does 231 additional damage and healing.
Righteous Bastion: Protection - Shield of the Righteous grants damage
reduction for 0.5 additional seconds, and does 231 additional damage.
Savior: Your heals on targets less than 35% maximum health have a chance to
heal for an additional 308.
Pillar of Light: Disc/Holy - Smite's critical strike chance is increased by
5, and it's damage is increased by 231.
Bindings of Fate: Holy - Heal heals yourself for 8% of the value, and
increases the healing dealt by 231.
Torment of Torments: Disc/Shadow - Shadow Word: Pain's duration is increased
by 1 seconds, and it deals 231 additional damage.
Heavy-Handed: Arms - Mortal Strike refunds 3 Rage and deals 231 additional
Bloodcraze: Fury - Bloodthirst has 5% additional critical strike chance, and
deals 231 additional damage when it critically strikes.
Battering Ram: Protection - Devastate, Thunder Clap, and Revenge have an
additional 5% chance to reset the cooldown of Shield Slam, and Shield Slam
deals an additional 231 damage.