※ 引述《sarevork (蚰梜黎h郎)》之銘言:
: https://www.wowhead.com/news=287254
: Character Storylines: Saurfang (who was last seen in the stockades), Tyrande
: (after Teldrassil) and Vol'jin (the Urn)
: 薩王 泰奶奶 沃金(?!)有新故事線
沃金:從骨灰罈開始(死人咩 合理)
: Dwarf and Blood Elf Heritage Armor
: Heritage Armor is not just for Allied Races!
: First coming for Dwarves and Blood Elves!
: No massive questline, if you have a character at max level you
: can just hop in
: 矮人和血精傳承鎧甲
: 看起來是不用新練一隻 只要有滿級和主城崇拜上線就做任務拿
No massive這句有明確說的是角色滿等
: New Warfront and Updated Zone: The Battle for Darkshore
: 新戰場前線和區域 黑海岸之戰
There's many new structures and upgrades such as ballistae.
Alliance will start with this one contribution.
The outdoor zone of Darkshore will be updated to have max level rares and
things to do for the faction that holds it at the time.
1.會有更多新東西 例如說巨型投石機
3.應該是指 黑海岸的戶外區域會被弄成有更多事情要做 推測不會像阿拉希高地只有
新島嶼的部分之前提過了 就不貼原文了
: This is something new to WoW as a raid that is a completely new experience
: for each faction!
: The Alliance will land at the docks and work their way up the pyramid (and
: seeing new locations inside) and work their way up to Rastakhan.
: 新風格的團本 兩邊陣營王不同
: 聯盟會由港口開始打起 最後打到贊達拉王
副本內似乎會在補充一些祖拉薩的新地圖 可能是方便玩家推進
: Horde will start North of the pyramid and work their way to Rastakhan (which
: is the midpoint of the raid). Then you'll work your way to the docks and
: fight against Alliance commanders including Jaina on the high seas!
: 部落會由金字塔北邊一路打到港口邊
部落最後BOSS是聯盟指揮官 包含珍娜 而非只打珍娜
: Once your raid is complete, you can talk to your scouts to get information on
: the other factions movements which allows you to fight the other 3 unique
: bosses that you haven't fought yet.
: 一旦你完成自己陣營的boss就可以和npc對話打對方陣營的boss
: (所以看起來是3聯盟3部落3共通)
應該是說 自己方目標的BOSS吃完 可以跟友方scout交談 讓玩家在挑戰3個特殊的BOSS
: New Raid: Crucible of Storms
: There is also a second raid called the Crucible of Storms.
: 新團本 風暴坩鍋
: This is a two boss raid where you try to uncover dark secrets under Stormsong.
: 兩個boss 在斯陀頌恩
黑暗耳語逼到發瘋甚至墮落的) 原文圖有臉變得有點詭異的納迦= =
: This comes later after the Zuldazar raid and comes with supporting content so
: you know why you're there, even if you're Horde and haven't played through
: Stormsong Valley on an Alliance character.
: 在圍攻贊達拉之後開放 而且就算你是部落或是沒為解那張地圖任務的聯盟
: 也會有劇情告訴你為什麼要去打
1.內文還有提到會有更多世界任務(一開始就說了 New World Quests)
原文中有提到黑海岸是夜精靈vs被遺忘者 然後有被遺忘者穿的很帥氣的護甲
EX:部落方強的工會首推"擊退聯盟指揮官" 聯盟方強的工會首推"神王"
因此搶首殺也許會變成先搶 Crucible of Storms (立足點比較公平)
中立BOSS不知道會不會是鮮血食人妖 艾敘然海盜 跟叛亂蛇人 XD
(趁對方內亂虛弱)贊達拉帝國 個人認為嘴砲的機會大非常非常多w
5.Crucible of Storms 應該是要開始鋪陳古神跟艾薩拉的行為
不然沒道理艾薩拉說要入侵講了多少版本 都還在那邊打嘴砲居多 頂多派一點點納迦
大概4這樣 有錯請指正