大家吃便當囉 沒過的可以過一過了
Ny'alotha, the Waking City
[With regional restarts] Reduced the health of Eye of Drest'agath, Maw of
Dest'agath, and Tentacle of Drest'agath by 8% on Mythic difficulty.
[With regional restarts] Organs and Bloods' health reduced by 5% on all
[With regional restarts] Reduced the damage requirement to free an allied
player from Touch of the Corruptor's mind control effect by 10% on all
[With regional restarts] Corrupted Blood maximum radius reduced by 10% on
Mythic difficulty.
Ra-Den the Despoiled
[With regional restarts] Reduced the percent value of Decaying Wound to 75%
of the target's current health on Mythic difficulty (was 100%).
[With regional restarts] Reduced the health of Essence of Vita, Essence of
Void, and Essence of Nightmare by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
N'Zoth the Corruptor
[With regional restarts] Paranoia now only drains Sanity once per second
while near any number of non-paired players on all difficulties.
[With regional restarts] N'Zoth the Corruptor's health reduced by 5% on
Mythic difficulty.
Thought Harvester
[With regional restarts] Harvest Thoughts now drains 250 Sanity divided
among all players hit by the effect on Mythic difficulty (was 300 Sanity).
[With regional restarts] Evoke Anguish's damage has been reduced by 15% on
Mythic difficulty.