wowhead上有篇文在講動視今年第一季的營收 positive news however, Diablo Immortal was announced to release on June 2nd with PC cross-play, while internal testing for Diablo 4 is already underway, public testing of Overwatch 2 beginning tomorrow on April 26th, and a Warcraft mobile announcement in the coming weeks. 魔獸爭霸手機版之前有消息嗎XD?怎麼突然跑出來 (XD應該是這ip而已,還以為是魔獸爭霸手遊版) 後面在講動視月活躍使用者從去年Q4的1億700萬掉到1億 暴雪月活躍使用者從去年Q4的2400萬掉到2200萬 King月活躍使用者從去年Q4的2億4000萬變成2億5000萬 Candy Crush真的猛==