
作者: shes6006 (你的貓)   2015-07-04 06:02:50
women love someone by thinking
and men love someone by seeing
so that's why men tend to love women with good shape
I was almost at the moment of insomnia when I'm thinking of him thinking how we took pictures together
and for the guy who walked out of my life I think I can't give further help no matter how desperate I feel
Now, is there anyone around me? My friend joked that I should confess my feeling to someone. Well, it's just a feeling of 'oh, I like him'
Or... I'm just afraid of getting involved with anyone ?
可能是因為太熱了 真對不起她
也因為這樣我醒來了 早安臺北 還有 高雄
作者: win8719 (win8719)   2015-07-04 06:06:00
作者: xueangel (第三使徒)   2015-07-04 06:08:00

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