t84552 (安安)
2014-05-22 01:52:32更新好快= = 德國各種被NERF
Inability to fly with American planes when they were selected at the start of
the game has been fixed.
不能選美國飛機的BUG已經被修復了 (吵很大那個..)
Pz.VI ausf H1 tank barrel durability value has been fixed (durability value
on the “barrel” module increased up to values of other heavy tank barrels).
虎式H1的砲管耐久度修改 (提升成跟其他重坦一樣)
Historically fixed traverse and elevating angles of Panzerjager Panther and
its commander’s premium variant. Changed from +-15 to +-11 degrees
horizontally and from -10 +3
0 to -8 + 14 degrees vertically.
射角由+-15度變窄為+-11 俯角從-10縮減到-8 仰角從+30縮減到+14 (這NERF太大了)
Fixed elevation angles of Panther II from -6.5 +17 to -4,5 +15 degrees (old
angles made weapon glitch through tank surfaces), also in -165 +165 degrees
sector elevating angle decreased up to -3 degrees (turret facing reversed
from vehicle direction vector and with old angles barrel would go through
exhaust pipes)
(當砲塔轉向坦克背面時 舊的角度會讓他穿越排氣管)
105mm KwK45 rate of fire has been fixed from 5.4 shots per minute to 3.9
shots per minute (old value was a mistakenly taken from KwK43)
Fixed damage effect from HE tank rounds, which led to the destruction of the
tank when the shell would detonate on the vehicle roof. Now it is still
possible to damage the tank by a roof breech, but it won’t lead to the
immediate destruction of the vehicle.
修正HE彈對坦克造成的傷害效果 本來車頂會因為HE的暴風傷害引爆整台坦克
不過現在還是會對車頂造成傷害 只是整台坦克不會馬上爆掉