-Next major update will hopefully be released in late April. If not,
beginning of May.
-No plan to increase Iwaki’s gun range.
沒打算增加Iwaki Alpha的射程。
-Kirov may receive additional changes later.
-Saipan’s stats and flight control modules could still change. Until an
official announcement has been made on the portal, nothing is final. [which I
find doubtful since it’s release is imminent on the NA server].
The German team KaperKommando which participated in the showmatch against the
Dead Admirals Society was able to hold an interview with the Head of the
Gameplay Department Andrey Lisak aka “welldone” during the WoT finals.
WOT finals表演賽的採訪內容
Question: When can we expect the introduction of a clan module into WOWS?
(Not sure if they mean clans in general or if clan modules are something
Clan Mode會引進WoWs嗎?
Answer: Clan modules will definitely be implemented, but they are currently
not our number one priority. We are aware that the community is eagerly
waiting for this feature in particular. With a bit of luck clans may already
be introduced this summer, so please be patient and wait until the clan
system is complete. It’s gonna be worth it.
Question: Are World of Warships and World of Tanks clans going to be separate?
Answer: Currently it’s not certain whether this is going to be the case or
Question: Is the number of DDs going to be capped?
Answer: We are aware of the current issues regarding DDs and we are watching
the situation very carefully. A hasty implementation of a DD cap is not going
to happen, though, as it would have a serious impact on gameplay. Our goal is
maximizing the amount of fun every player has while playing the game.
However, I can assure you that for team and clan battles (no matter what they
may look like) this is not going to be an issue. DDs will continue to be
capped in those modes.
不過我可以和你們保證Team Battle和Clan Battle DD數量會被限制。
Question: Is any further balancing of cruisers planned?
Answer: No, at the moment definitely not. We are observing all gameplay
statistics and cruisers are meant to distinguish themselves from each other
to ensure a certain amount of challenge. Who would enjoy it if they all
played the same?
Question: How is World of Warships going to develop in regards to eSports?
Answer: Well, this is not up to us. Of course we are hoping that World of
Warships will find and take its place besides World of Tanks. The game
definitely has the potential for it and we will continue to develop and
promote it. People were able to get a small impression of our visions for
WOWS during the WGL Finals 2016.
人們會在WGL Finals 2016對我們WoWs的願景有點印象的。
Question: Will team battles offer rewards in the future?
Team Battle會有獎勵嗎?
Answer: Absolutely. We are aware that team battles currently cause more
expenses than profits, mainly in regards to flags. A reward system is
planned, but not fully developed yet. It’s not going to take much longer
until it is implemented, though. There are a lot of things we can image as a
reward. The more successful a team is, the better their reward will be.
當然,我們都知道Team Battle現在利大於弊,主要是在信號旗的部分。