– improved tank selection (carousels) will be added
– there will not be a skill reset during the WT E-100 – Grille switch
WT E-100 換成 Grille 15 時不會免費重置組員技能
– the T-54 Light changes from supertest will not be present on live server (despite anything that was publisher earlier)
T-54 l. 在超測中的更動不會套用到正式版(無論之前發布了什麼消息)
– the developers agree that gun stabilization (accuracy on the move) and terrain passability data need to be added to the client overview
– there are no plans to introduce voiceover for the shell type switch action
(譯者:我覺得這不錯啊,連QB都會不小心切金彈而渾然不覺了 lol)
– collision model (armor viewer) will be added to vehicle preview later
– platoon bonus will only activate if all vehicles in the platoon have one tier, a LT8 + MT9 platoon won’t trigger it
– the fact that LT platoons will not get a bonus unless the tiers are equal is unfortunate but intended for now
(譯者:我比較好奇 T4 DW2 + T4 M5 Stuart 會不會適用…)
– LTs being extended to tier 10? “No comment for now”
– a platoon of tier 1, 4 and 4 will get neither bonus nor penalty for troll platoons
一階 + 四階 + 四階的戳排,不會有獎勵也不會有懲罰
– FPS should significantly increase for many players in 9.15
對很多玩家來說,9.15 會帶來大幅度的 FPS 提升
– WoT will move to a completely different engine approximately within next two patches. It won’t be a “different” engine per se, the overhaul of the current one will simply be complete
WoT 將在接下來的兩個更新換到新遊戲引擎。…不是換引擎,而是完成引擎的徹底翻新。
– the engine overhaul will include multicore support and optimization
– CoreEngine 3.0 (name of the “new” WoT engine) is the old name of the Bigworld that WG used internally
翻新完成的引擎代號 CoreEngine 3.0,也是 WG 內部稱呼 Bigworld 引擎的舊名稱
– the client size will not be reduced by the new engine
– it’s not yet sure if the new engine will use Dx9 or Dx11 render
還不確定新引擎會使用 Dx9 還是 Dx11
– WG is dedicated to banning bots
正致力於封鎖 BOT
– Panzer V/IV will keep its limited MM
– there are no plans to buff KV-220, if anything, it needs a nerf because it’s overpowered. It won’t however be nerfed
不打算 buff KV-220,真要更動也是砍性能。但不會這麼做。
– E-25 will not be nerfed either, because it’s a premium
E-25 同上
– for now there are no plans to abandon the 9.X patch numbering system
還沒打算換掉 9.xx 的更新版號
– the additional XP for tanks in platoon is not a discrimination of solo players according to Storm
Storm 表示,組排獎勵並不是在歧視單野玩家
– the actual XP bonus size for platoon tanks will be published later
– there will not be any possibility to obtain T-22sr. in 9.15 anymore (and after 9.15: “no comment”)
9.15 將無法取得 T-22sr.(9.15 之後呢?「無可奉告」)
– there are no hull changes for the 113 tank in 9.15 (connected to 112 – which has an identical hull – fuel tank placement)
9.15 沒有更動 113 的車體(和 112 用相同的車體,但 112 的油箱自車身前方移至後方。)
– buff for HT tiers 9-10 in 9.15? “Not decided yet”
9.15 會buff 九~十階重坦嗎?「尚未決定」