Tell us about yourself:
I work in Lesta on designing large surface artillery ships (cruisers and
Graduated from Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute with a degree in
shipbuilding. I.e. was taught to create both civil and military ships. For
two years worked in ship repair, serviced nuclear submarines.
I have been working with Lesta for a very long time, ever since "Pacific
storm", where I was involved in testing on outsource. Later, I was deeper
involved in "Pacific storm: Allies", where I adived on hit-location system,
the one responsible for inner modules workings of the ship: armor,
compartments, battle stations. Also, initially did the same when WoWs begun,
but there I was already making objects inside the ship myself in 3D editor
and made descriptions for them. Have been working in IT since 1996.
受訪者為Lesta員工,曾參與pacific storm和其資料片的製作,關聯項目為彈著系統,
船隻模組(裝甲,分段等等),而在WOWS中也基本在做同樣的項目,用3D editor直接製作船隻各部位
順便,pacific storm當年出的時候也被無數人吐槽過把歷史當狗屁....)
How do you begin designing paperships, where do you start?
"Paper ship" usually has either desriptive part - tactical and techincal
elements or grapical part - usually nominal one, too simplified to make
detailed 3d model based only on it. For that reason we take materials found
as a basis and begin preliminary design process for the ship. As a result we
get theoretical blueprint for ship's hull, plans for bridges, decks,
superstructures, ship projections, armor sheme, internal module layout -
powerplant, ammo storages for various weapon system, steering system.
How do you get reference material? Do you use archives in work? If you dou -
which ones?
Archives are the primary source of refernce material, because they are the
most trustworthy. Monographs, books are secondary sources and they are often
plagued with inaccuracies and mistakes made by the autor. Often the stuff
written in books doesn't match with archive data and needs cross-referencing
with other sources.
(跳過了main stages of designing ship,有興趣的可以去原文看)
How speed, buoyancy, maneuverability of paper ships is calculated?
Speed is detemined using a prototype or similar ship with similar engine.
Buoyancy is calculated using hydrostatics and theoretical blueprint. We can
calculate maneuverablity, but it's one of game conventions
What are your plans for Alaska and Stalingrad?
We are searching for materials for Stalingrad in archives. We have everything
we need for Alaska. About plans to enter them in game I can't comment - don't
know about them.
A:史大林格勒相關資料還在搜尋,阿拉斯加資料齊全 - 至於什麼時候會進遊戲,我不知道。
What is the shady ship Buffalo, appearing in the client? Where can I find
materials for her? What project it is?
It's heavy cruiser project from 16 of september 1940. Called CA-B.
Why when creating IJN BB branch classical(give or take) Ishizuchi haven't
gotten into branch, but instead something crazy called Myogi now is into
branch now? AFAIK ships with unique gameplay are put into premiums.
Because we got materials for Ishizuchi much later. Whole preliminary design
work has been made for Myogi. It was a huge help that we could find very
detailed Kongou before modernization's blueprint in Hiiragi archive.
Why Großer Kurfürst is a lump of something and not exact project from H-40
to H-44? Where have you got triple turrets?
First, in archives we found nothing except H-class battleship project which
was laid, but later cancelled. She has a lot of graphic material accompanн
ing her. We haven't found any data on other projects (in arhcives - tr).
Also, there is no data on 420-mm gun. Instead we have information that during
military tech cooperation Germany offered their naval weapons developments to
USSR. Particulary in russian archives we found materials about directors and
artillery systems offered for sale. And it those materials we found
longitudinal section blueprint of triple turret and her main weights table -
armor, guns, mechanisms.
Because ship with 8 420-mm guns (parameters for which were calculated)
couldn't do anything against Yamato or Montana we decided to make a design
based on "H" battelship with 4 such turrets. That's how Kurfürst appeared.
During her design materials on "H" and Bismarck were used. Also we used
materials for developped (and not quite) 55-mm AA mounts and 128mm DP mounts.
因為扛8管420的東西打不贏同階倆T10,所以我們就造了一隻扛4管三連裝的H系戰艦出來 - 這就是大猴。
Why German Destroyers have mix of 128 and 150 mm guns?
Branch shows full development of german DD's, how they come to use 150-mm
guns and how they abandoned them in their latest DD designs. So we can say
that game German DD branch is grounded in history.
About soviet BB branch - what are the main problems for its assembly?
Main problem is archive material availability. Blueprints, documents. Work is
proceeding, branch is turning out very intresting. (materials after 1941 are
still classified - tr)
A:有關檔案問題最大 - 1941年後的檔案尚未開放,工作會繼續進行,會是一條很有趣的新線。
If you can tell us - what will be the branch main flavor?
If you look from realistic point of view - russian/soviet *artillery** (not
targeting, not fire control, but guns themselves) is one of the best in the
period. But its specialized for Baltic Sea and North Atlantic. A lot of stuff
common with german and french ones. (you can expect good ballistics, but
nothing will beat adamantium guns on Izumo - tr)*
Don't you think that Koenig and Bayern should sunk under the weight of their
modernizations in top hulls?
No, we don't. To claim that you have to show us your load and displacement
calculations for the ship. We did ours and are confident in them.
Gneisenau with ELEVEN DP 2x128 guns should be ... on the bottom - due to
those weapons weight.
We made ship according to German modernization plans. Lenth of ship is
increased by 11.3 m in forward main battery area. Displacement increase by
1500 tons. Considering known loads for Scharnhorst we acheived lowering of
overload by 300 tons. That's why Gneisenau turned out to be less overloaded
if you consider hull lenghtening than real Scharnorst, whose hull we checked
by calculations.
Why did you "draw" catapult for german T9-10 BB between aft turrets, while on
known scetches it's behind aft turret?
It's because of game mechanincs requirements. In project plane was put on
catapult using main battery turret, and her barrels acted as crane. In
addition, to launch plane turret would be removed from player control. That's
why catapults, there are two of them, were put in between turrets where
during launch they don't obstruct player. Overall, this desicion turned out
better than german one.
Danae's bow should be with a lift, this is a characteristic of third supgroup
of this class.
Danae is a collective image of the class. It has been said many times on
official forum.
Chapaev's bow should be slanted. And Chapaev shouldn't have torpedoes.
We made Chapaev according to factory blueprints. And bow in particular.
Torpedoes are inherited from first hull.
Quintiple torpedo launchers simply wouldn't fit in Zao's aft. See for
yourself. Also aft should break away.
According to project she has quadruple launchers. To make quintiple fit in we
had to reduce spare toprs quantity (he's talking about real project, not
in-game one). Load from 4 quintiple launchers is miniscule - ship's structure
and steering compartment armor weight much more.
Dmitriy Donskoi's superstructure is as tall as Empire State Building - itn't
that height (number of floors) too much?
65's project IRL didnt come out of tactical and techincal elements
coordination stage. So when we were making a collective image of more than 40
variants, a lot of them aren't represented in domestic literature it was
decided to make her a preliminary design of project 66 cruiser, in game
called Moskva. Her superstructure has less floors (lower) than Moskva's,
while ships are close in linear dimensions, although, Dmitriy's Doskoi's
superstructure is unarmored except conning tower.
Based on what have you come up with Minotaur? Is she a Super Tiger (based on
real Tiger)?
There are sources in Friedman's book on british cruisers. Project Minotaur
was considered by brits as an alternative to american CL-144 Worcester class
cruisers. But as a result of designing for british weapons systems project
turned out to be too expensive and wasn't carried on, also characterisics
weren't batter than american counterpart's. Mark XXV turret was intended
exactly for this project. But after Minotaur was cancelled Tiger was born as
a cheaper alternative.
A:CL-144 伍斯特級的替代品,但該案最後因為換裝英國武器這過程太昂貴而且參數沒比伍斯特好而被廢除。
What about Neptune's DP turrets? And their number of torpedo launchers?
Project is also from Friedman's book. Was supposed to be a further
development of Town-class. Also wasn't carried on.
A:同樣來源(British Cruisers by Dr Norman Friedman),是town class的改良案,同樣被廢除。
Why have you draw Nikolai I the way she is in the game now? With forecastle
and 300mm belt. In life she was "simpler".
Nikolai's belt is 270 mm, as in factory blueprints. Forecastle was considered
as one of the measures to prevent excessive flooding of bow. It wasn't
implemented IRL due to metal deficit and increase in construction time. To
make this ship different in architecture from other (Sevastopols - tr) we
went for this assumption.
How did you design IJN T10 CA Zao?
We had to design gun from scratch, because there weren't 203/55 guns in
Japan. Make internal ballistics calculation and check pressure. As a
prototype we took Tone, to be exact - her theoretical blueprint and ship
armouring approach.