scoMico (測試)
2017-03-16 00:19:01文章來源:
Thanks to Vlad for translating. Source: WoT RU Devs
The changes to the role of SPGs continue on, shortly before the start of the
next stage of testing on the Sandbox sever, we are ready to share new
information about the changes of this class.
砲車 業務範圍(X) 腳色改變 會繼續推進測試下去,在下一階段的沙盒開始之前,
Important: changes to combat performance and some game mechanics will be
tested on Supertest before the start of Sandbox.
重要: 戰鬥性能跟一些遊戲機制改動在沙盒(估計在說下一階段的)開始之前
Changes to characteristics will apply to all SPGs in the game. Changes can be
divided into two groups:
– changes to lowtier SPGs;
- 低階砲車的改動
– tweaks to SPGs which have already been tested on Supertest and “Sandbox”.
- 超測跟沙盒已經測過的砲車微調
For lowtier vehicles, following changes will occur:
– reduced penetration of explosive shells;
- HE穿深下修
– removal of AP, HEAT and premium HE shells;
- 拔除 AP、HEAT、金HE彈
– reduction of view range.
- 視野縮短
Vehicles that have previously participated in testing on Sandbox will be
changed as follows:
– reducing the splash radius by 10%;
- 暴風半徑減少10% (應該是動輒十數米的暴風半徑減少10%)
– heavy and extra heavy spall liner will reduce the stun effect by 10%;
- 重型及超重型防爆內襯會降低暈眩效果10%
– reducing the negative impact of the stun on mobility by 30%.
- 降低暈眩效果 對於機動能力的負面影響 30%
Important! These are test changes, and they may differ from the final version.
注意! 這些都是測試的變動,因此出貨的時候還是有可能長得不太一樣