※ 引述《pata203 (pata)》之銘言:
: 寫信問了虛擬伺服器公司,回信如下
: I have checked this and the additional login with a math password is the
: captcha security,to your wordpress blog to protect against attack. The
: wordpress sites are continuously under various attacks and we have
: implemented this feature server wide to protect all the wordpress sites. This
wordpress架的網站一直都會受到各種攻擊 我們在我們伺服器上面裝了這種東西
: feature will protect various levels of attacks to the wordpress sites. We
: can't disable this feature for particular domains sins it is enabled server
: wide.
這是伺服器level的 所以我們沒辦法針對單一帳號取消
: Once you have given the details ( Enter username:tdjft1 Password: The result
當你輸入如下資料 你就會被轉到你的wordpress後台