Eeli2008 (Eeli2008)
2016-10-31 23:42:16雖然不是單曲卻是今年蘇格蘭驚嚇兔子的新專
《Painting of a Panic Attack》中最愛的一首。
Frightened Rabbit performing "Wish I Was Sober" Live on KCRW
https://youtu.be/xA_TQZ81Ye0 (其實上很多電台都有唱這首 有興趣可自行搜尋)
誠懇的歌聲、濃濃蘇格蘭腔唱這副歌 Forgive me... 真的太動人,
Fall prey to the blizzard head
Wrapped my hand around the glass again
We all thought that I might change as I got older
Fell down and nothing bled
Wrapped in cotton alcohol again
"To the hilt!" I hear from the prick upon my shoulder
Free pour the fruitless thoughts
It's far too late to talk so much but
Still not giving up though
I wish that I was sober
Forgive me I can't speak straight
Forgive me I can't
Forgive me it's far too late
Choke down the gateway drug
Open the gates, in came the flood, it comes
Like a blush of love, it hits me without warning
Long nights of getting lost
I walk beneath a bridge I don't know
I need a black suit for tomorrow, I'm in mourning
My love, you should know
The best of me left hours ago, so
Shove a rag into my mouth and let me smolder
Fallout and the damage done
I can't un-sink the things I've sunk
Still not giving up, though I wish that I was sober
Forgive me I can't speak straight
Forgive me I can't
Forgive me it's far too late
Oh come and shake me till I'm dry
Oh I wish that I was sober
Oh come to me and kill the night off
I wish that I was sober
首支單曲<Get Out>突然展開讓人耳目一新,
但這首<I Wish I Was Sober>才深深打動我的心。
由《The Midnight Organ Fight》入門就覺得驚嚇兔子歌聲和曲風雖然有點悲苦卻療癒,
從《Pedestrian Verse》開始取得了一些商業上的突破,
然後 2014年主唱 Scott Hutchinson發行了首張個人專輯《Owl John》,
《Painting of a Panic Attack》反映了 Scott嘗試在美國洛杉磯生活的失敗,
和其他團員遠距離溝通的過程,以及 The National成員 Aaron Dessner主持製作、
此外今年8月的時候 Scott突然在推特上爆走,
更發出聲明表示團員之一、親弟弟 Grant將暫時不在之後的巡迴出現。
幸好之後的演出行程穩定下來,9月底的時候 Grant也歸隊,
現在樂團難為,今年 The Maccabees出乎意料在去年專輯首奪冠後宣布解散;
小有名氣的 Stornoway也不再走下去,也不禁讓人擔憂許多團體的未來。
Get Out https://youtu.be/bBdsY_zsv_U
Woke Up Hurting https://youtu.be/HvEEmGgI-04 (印象中比較少見略電的歌曲)
Die Like A Rich Boy https://youtu.be/es8wQcKrrhA (小品抒情 旋律很好聽)
An Otherwise Disappointing Life
https://open.spotify.com/track/0UguQTQcFchxcIJ8z9cuT4 (另首非單曲愛歌)
Swim Until You Cant See Land https://youtu.be/SzjERZU3wbY
Keep Yourself Warm https://youtu.be/J8fVX41-Njg (歌詞還真直接)