連結在這裡 http://bit.ly/30s9kQS
A Big Machine rep says the plan was conceived long before the June 30 announceme
nt about Scooter Braun's purchase of the Nashville-based label.
In celebration of the 13th anniversary of Taylor Swift’s self-titled debut alb
um this October, Big Machine Records is rolling out the vinyl release of five so
ngs featured on the 2006 project. On Wednesday (July 10), Big Machine Records se
nt an email to Swift fans revealing that a select number of “Teardrops on My Gu
itar” vinyl records will be available for purchase for a limited time.
“Act fast! We just released a Limited Edition 7” Vinyl of ‘Teardrops On My Gu
itar’ with Acoustic B-Side Recording!” the email states. For $10, Swift fans
can get their hands on the vinyl of her sophomore single, which will ship Aug. 3
0. The announcement adds that the limited-edition merchandise, available through
Big Machine’s website, will also include an acoustic performance from 2007 no
t previously available on vinyl.
It marks the second song made available following Swift’s debut single, “Tim
McGraw,” which will also be released via vinyl on Aug. 16. After Big Machine al
erted fans of its availability June 20, the pressing quickly sold out, accordi
ng to a label representative, who declined to specify the quantity available.
While Swift made headlines last week for her vociferous objection to Big Machin
e's reported $300 million sale to Scooter Braun's Ithaca Holdings (along with th
e master recordings of her first six albums), a Big Machine rep says the plans
to release the limited-edition vinyl has been in the works since the spring and
was conceived long before the June 30 announcement about Braun's purchase. The l
abel confirms that three additional songs will be released in the coming weeks b
ut declined to reveal song titles or release dates.
An Instagram post also announced the news with the comments section turned off.
There are no plans at the moment to reissue Swift’s debut album, which, since i
ts Oct. 24, 2006, release, has sold 5.7 million copies in the U.S., according to
Nielsen Music.
Swift’s representative did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Sw
ift left Big Machine in November, signing a new global deal with Universal Music
Group. Lover, her first album under the new deal, comes out Aug. 23.
然後日期都是美國時間 請大家自己換一下
7/10當天很多Swifties都收到了一封電子郵件,郵件的內容是「Teardrops On My Guitar的
同時大機器也宣布第二首限量唱片是她的出道單曲'Tim McGraw',在8/16就會開放購買,這
,我更不想花錢去讓她的死對頭賺錢。我以一個預購她新專Box Set的雲歌迷身份希望Swift
ies寧可不要收藏,也別讓她的死對頭用她的作品消費她= =