melcris (Dita Cris)
2020-11-17 15:42:48「酸民退散!」Billie Eilish 釋出新歌〈Therefore I Am〉反擊負面批評
繼首張專輯《When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?》在葛萊美獎大獲全勝之後,
Billie Eilish (怪奇比莉) 身邊的酸民可說是有增無減,尤其是討論她豐滿身材的言論
更是甚囂塵上,古靈精怪的她用今年釋出的第四首單曲〈Therefore I Am〉對這些小人祭
出反擊。這首歌引用了知名哲學家笛卡爾的名言「I think, therefore I am (我思故我
MV 當中,Billie Eilish 更是任意的在空蕩商場裡吃喝玩樂,並且對那些蹭熱度、批評
*2020 年三月的時候,Billie Eilish 在世界巡演時發表了一支小短片,為身體嘲弄
(body-shaming) 議題發聲。影片裡其中一段話如下:
so while I feel your stares .
your disapproval
or your sigh of relief
if I lived by them
I'd never be able to move
因此在 MV 當中她在購物中心任意拿食物吃喝的行為,就像是在告訴大家,不管你怎麼批
〈Therefore I Am〉歌詞翻譯:
I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
*註:法國知名哲學家笛卡爾 (René Descartes) 在 16 世紀提出「我思故我在」(拉丁
文 Cogito, ergo sum/ I think, therefore I am.) 的概念。後來在他的著作
《The Method of Discourse》(談談方法) 中,也談論到這世界是否為真實的議題。笛卡
Stop, what the hell are you talking about? Ha
Get my pretty name out of your mouth
We are not the same with or without
Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel
Top of the world, but your world isn't real
Your world's an ideal
*「ideal 」在此處可以對應到柏拉圖的「理型論」(The Theory of Forms, 或
theory of ideas ),這個理論認為我們所感知到的世界,只是我們心中對世界的各種抽
象概念所產生的投射而已。Billie 用歌詞「Your world's an ideal」表達,每個人心中
So go have fun
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know
I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I don't want press to put your name next to mine
We're on different lines, so I
Wanna be nice enough, they don't call my bluff
'Cause I hate to find
Articles, articles, articles
Rather you remain unremarkable (Got a lotta)
Interviews, interviews, interviews
When they say your name, I just act confused
Did you have fun?
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know
I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I'm sorry
I don't think I caught your name
I'm sorry
I don't think I caught your name
〈Therefore I Am〉用輕鬆戲謔的方式表達出 Billie Eilish 對酸民的從容態度,希望
批評他的人聽了這首歌之後,會增加一點存在感,畢竟 Billie Eilish 特別為他們寫了
一首歌呢 XD