felaray (傲嬌魚)
2016-05-11 17:27:00※ [本文轉錄自 WindowsPhone 看板 #1NCle7Di ]
作者: felaray (傲嬌魚) 看板: WindowsPhone
標題: [APP ] World Cams 三天限時免費
時間: Wed May 11 17:23:16 2016
App 名稱:
平台: Win10 / Win8 (請自行刪去)
類型: 相片與影片
費用: 原價$40,現在免費
連結: https://goo.gl/9gZuzS
簡介: 簡單說就一款可以看看世界各地的公開攝影機拍下的縮時影片.例如天空風景、
World Cams now comes with high resolution 24h time lapse function! With World
Cams you can view live images webcams from all over the world. See how the
weather looks like in your favorite holiday destination, check the condition
of the ski slopes or what's going on Times Square. Word Cams allows you to
pin your favorite images directly to your Windows 8 start screen. the pinned
images will be hourly updated!