App 名稱:El Pinguino Run
★ Synopsis ★
Imagine a World where all avocados are disapeared !!! Without this crucial
ingredient, no more guacamol, tacos or burritos... All Mexico is in pain !!!
Only one man can help then : El Pinguino ! The legendary and lonely bounty
★ Description ★
El Pinguino run across the country to collect all the tacos and avocados he
can. But you might help him avoiding ennemies or traps by quickly touching
your screen !
El Pinguino is also :
- 3 Worlds, 30 Levels
- Challenging game
- A colorful game in mexican universe
- intuitive controls
- Some superpowers, items and skins to add more fun
- Achievements to unlock
- And it’s FREE ! (but it contains items that can be purchased with real
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El Pinguino Run - New Update !
What’s new in Version First of all, thank you for all your comments
and plays on El Pinguino Run !
This update contains :
-All crash when you die or other is corrected !!
Tested on Lumia 520.
-GamePlay improved, double touch added and more responsive.
-Difficulty change, less hard.