本來想和 9.1 先期改版內容放一起,但看篇幅…還是算了
- Tiger P nerfed too much? “How terrible”
Tiger(P) 被砍的太弱了!「好貼蘿菠」
- Storm adds that following LT buff will be on common test:
for tier 4 light tanks – minimal battletier 4, maximum battletier 7
for tier 5 light tanks – minimal battletier 6, maximum battletier 8
for tier 6 light tanks – minimal battletier 7, maximum battletier 9
for tier 7 light tanks – minimal battletier 8, maximum battletier 10
Chaffee will keep its special MM however
公測的時候輕坦就會有的分房 buff:
- Storm doesn’t know whether IS-3 will get its historical speed of 40 km/h
(currently 38 km/h), but states it’s possible different sources say
different numbers and the difference is small
Storm 不知道 IS-3 的速度會不會改回史實的40(現行38);他表示不同資料來源數值不
- tanks had their bottom reworked, this is connected to the future
implementation of tanks turning on their roof (SS: and I still think it’s a
retarded idea)
戰車車底重製,因應未來翻車功能的引進(SS: 依然認為是蠢主意)
- for now, nothing can be said about the new tank movement model, but next
week first working version will be ready
- Storm states that the map Windstorm doesn’t show performance issues
Storm 表示 Windstorm 地圖沒有效能的問題。
- generally, the FPS drops as a whole will not be fixed in 9.1 (SS: as in, by
fixing one thing), there will be a ton of smaller fixes though (“little
here, little there”)
9.1 無法一次修正 FPS 下降的所有問題,接下來會一直持續修正。
- the main problem Wargaming has in the FPS drops is that they cannot
reproduce them on their computers. They even went as far as inviting the
users with FPS issues to them to office as guests while analyzing (“
dissecting”) their computers on the spot, but so far, nothing. Upon close
examination, it was discovered that these users had the same issues in 8.11
(SS: well, I fucking didn’t, Himmelsdorf on 16 FPS is such fun…)
WG 的主要問題是無法在他們的電腦上再現 FPS 下降的狀況。他們甚至邀一些碰到問題的
,這些玩家在 8.11 版就有這問題了。(SS: 我可沒有;Himmelsdorf 剩 16 幀玩個屁…
- in 9.1, there will be no new HD models
9.1 不會有新的 HD 化車輛
- lags in sniper mode have not been fixed
There was also a mistranslation from my side about the barrel thing (it wasn’
t really recognizable from the text what exactly is meant). Basically, tanks
will get marks (rings, Soviet stars) on barrels for damage done within series
of battles. More will be disclosed later.
9.1 會在砲管上新增圖示(圓環或紅星),依前幾場輸出的傷害量而不同。靜待更多消息
- Sherman and Tiger I were nerfed because on their tiers, they are imbalanced
因為他們和同階相比IMBA了,所以 M4 和虎式被砍
- rear turret VK4502B will be buffed, the buffs in 9.1 are not the last buffs
後置砲塔版 VK4502B 會被 buff,而在 9.1 版的改動不會是定稿
- patch 9.2 will bring many tank buffs
9.2 會 buff 很多車
- Veider on Hellcat and T18 nerf: “So the pedobears fuck off”
Veider 談論 Hellcat 和 T18 被砍:「虐菜者滾!」
- gun sound in 9.1 will be reworked to resemble realistic sound, not “
9.1 重製版砲聲不是好萊塢式的電影音效,而是近似史實的聲音
- developers are generally working on the issue, where maps load for too
long, but so far, no exact solution was found
- the reason for buffing lowtier tanks: “Newbie comes, plays on a nice tank,
continues to play” (SS: as in instead of leaving the game)
buff 低階車的原因:「新手來開幾場,覺得車好玩就會留下來」
- the list of tank buffs and nerfs is complete for patch 9.1
9.1 版內的車輛改動已完成
- Storm admits there might be a bug, where even on high detail settings, tank
models turn really ugly at longer distances. Storm will investigate
Storm 承認車輛在遠距離時變得很難看,連 HD 化的也不例外。Storm 會查。
- MT-25 will not get the S-54 gun
MT-25 不會有 S-54 砲
- nerf of KV-1S and buff of AMX 50B? “There will be everything, just not all
at once.”
nerf KV-1S 和 buff AMX 50B?「會做,但不是一次到位」
- the priority of buffed tanks is not just in the degree they are OP, but
also in the ease they are fixed with, that’s why the Tiger I, that is
relatively easy to fix, comes first. Storm explains:“Vehicles, complicated
to fix, require long rework and testing. We’ll get to them. By summer at
改所以先挨刀。Storm 解釋:「很難調整的車輛需要更多的重製和測試。在夏天之前會輪
- the assault on Sand River is getting removed, because it’s imbalanced
Sand River 的突擊模式因為不平衡而被拿掉了
- Storm confirms that KV-1S is not nerfed in 9.1, because it will be split on
two different tanks and those tanks have to be modelled. And making new
models is now problematic because of the preparations of HD model
massproduction system.
KV-1S 在 9.1 不會被砍,因為正忙著做接下來要從 KV-1S 拆出來的兩台車。HD 模組產
- currently, Veider is checking the T57 Heavy and AMX 50B. He wants to
balance both so that they are roughly equal to one another.
Veider 正在檢查 T57HT 和 AMX 50B。他希望把兩台車平衡到相差不多。
- A-32 will not get more powerful gold ammo
A-32 不會有威力更強的金彈。
- the feature where players will be able to pick a map for team battles was
not scrapped
- for now, there will not be new maps for team battles
- companies as a mode will not be removed for now
- the LT buff are the “first steps”
輕坦的 buff 只是第一步。
- nerf of WT E-100: “We’ll see. We did not want to nerf the machine to
kingdom come, we wanted to make a comfortable vehicle
with appropriate combat capabilities”
nerf WT E-100:「再看。我們不希望把某台車砍到下地獄;開起來舒服並有合理表現的
- T40 viewrange was nerfed, because it was imbalanced and exploited
T-40 被砍視距,因為它 IMBA 而且被濫用。
- Storm confirms that there will be XP recieved for “tanking” (soaking up
damage by your armor, protecting your allies), this might appear either in
9.1 or 9.2
Storm 證實『坦傷(用裝甲吸傷、保護隊友)』會賺經驗;這功能會在 9.1 或 9.2 推出
- “light T-54〃 will be implemented
『輕量化 T-54』會實裝。
- Q: “We need a ‘Crimea’ map!” A: “South Coast. Its technical name is
Q:「我們要『克里米亞』地圖!」A:「South Coast。它的代碼是 39_Crimea」
- developers have long figured the SU-101 out – it’s combat effectiveness
is okay, it’s just uncomfortable
開發人員早就考慮過 SU-101 了,它的表現不差,只是不好使喚。
- SU-101 will not recieve more depression
不會給 SU-101 更多俯角。
- new American light tanks will definitely not come in 9.1
新美帝輕坦不會在 9.1 推出。