- Storm states that the amount of gold ammo fired per battle is usually 10-15
percent, 20-30 percent are separate cases, which are rare, on low tiers there
is a lower amount of gold shells fired
Storm 表示平均每場戰鬥中發射的砲彈通常金彈佔10~15%,20~30%的數值是特例;低
- T-54, FV215b (183), T69 – they don’t belong to the tanks, that use
massive amounts of gold ammo (80 percent)
T-54、FV215b (183)、T69 不算,這些車輛大量使用金彈(高達八成)
- it’s possible FV304 will be nerfed
FV304 可能會被 nerf
- Churchill and IS HD models are not ready yet apparently
Churchill 和 IS 的 HD 模組還沒準備妥當
- Storm states that he will investigate artillery accuracy, there are no
guarantees it won’t be touched (SS: earlier it was confirmed that the
developers want to nerf tank accuracy a bit)
Storm 表示他會研究 SPG 的準度,不保證不調動(SS:之前證實開發人員要降低戰車的
- Veider comments the situation of Tiger P and why will it get nerfed: “It
started to be imbalanced even at the point it was buffed. And the imbalance
dynamic grows only up. It will continue go grow even more imbalanced. And
when Tiger H gets nerfed it will grow even stronger.”
Veider 評論虎P被砍的原因:「在上次 buff 它之後就 IMBA 了。而隨著其他的改版,它
跟其他車比起來越來越 IMBA。而砍虎式讓這情況變得更誇張」
- trees (tree render) will not be touched in 9.1
9.1 不會動科技樹
- Veider confirms that there will be an option to grind credits by “tanking”
(blocking damage)
Veider 證實以後可用「坦傷」賺銀幣(譯註:KV-4 表示晚上開香檳,它請客。)
- for now, developers keep their position about not changing (nerfing) the
armor of cast premium tank turrets (SS: for example Type 59)
- the “confrontation” mode stats don’t influence the tank statistics, on
which tank rebalance is based
- the bug that when minimized, the game still stresses GPU a lot has been
fixed in 9.1
9.1 會修正「當遊戲最小化時仍然佔用大量 GPU 資源」的錯誤
- in 9.1 the hangar stressing the GPU won’t be fixed
9.1 還不會修正車庫耗 GPU 資源的問題
- Storm states that during the Ardennes and Balaton operation, there were
only a few Tigers present and they didn’t participate in fighting
Storm 表示在守望萊茵河作戰和巴拉頓湖戰役中,只有少量虎式參戰且沒有參與戰鬥。
- the special tank characteristics for historical battles will come soon,
developers are working specifically on this now
- US new medium branch implemented this year? “For now, only light tanks”
- Storm confirms: Soviet tier 8 light tank will be the LTTB
Storm 證實蘇聯新八階輕坦會是 LTTB(譯註:一台只有車身圖紙的架空車)
- tank surface rendering (SS: if I understand it correctly) will most likely
be fixed in 9.2 – this concerns specifically the surface colors of the tank
車輛表面著色器很可能在 9.2 修正
- the Kharkov screenies released are old, the map was actually made brighter
Kharkov 地圖流出的截圖是舊版的,它已被改的明亮些
- developers want to make vehicle nations diverse from one another (SS: as
in, each nation has some special traits) but it’s difficult
- game changes will not be decided by player voting. Storm elaborates that
everything would become worse, because players see only a part of the picture.
不會用玩家投票來決定遊戲的更動。Storm 解釋說因為玩家只看到遊戲的一部分,這樣搞
- regarding the connection between low performance and sound: “We’ll dig
into it – the sound is not for free”
- Veider confirms that the appearance of shitty machines in branches (SS:
Chi-Ri and Leopard prototype) is there for monetization (SS: as in players
skipping them for free XP), but he also adds that some of the nasty cases are
being reviewed
Veider 證實科技樹中的確有一些坑車(SS: Chi-Ri 和 Leopard prototype)會想讓人用
- Havok will come after 9.1
Havok 會在 9.1 之後才實裝(譯註:八月以後吧)
- Storm confirms that the sounds in 9.1 will be reworked significantly,
shooting sounds were completely reworked, furthermore on the test, two
vehicles will have their soundsets (engine, track sounds) totally reworked in
order for the developers to gather feedback
Storm 證實 9.1 會大量重製音效;砲聲會完全重製,而有兩台車輛會重製所有音效以收
作者: EddieWongF14 2014-05-16 20:45:00