[情報] 5/29 30 Q&A

作者: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-05-31 01:47:31
- switching the FV4202 for the Chieftain? What will happen to FV4202? Storm:
“No comment for now”
用 Chieftain 換掉 FV4202?那 FV4202 的下場是?Storm:「目前不予置評。」
- “everything is okay” with the alleged Wargaming anti-bot program
WG 所謂的 BOT 偵測程式「運作良好」(譯者:很不確定這句的意義…)
Storm on optimization in 9.1:
“Basic optimizations were aimed at removing freezis and FPS drops on weak
configurations. General game performance shouldn’t change for the general
masses of players. In the second test, there will be some additional fixes:
fix of the FPS drop when switching to sniper mode on medium and low terrain
settings, fix of the game performance when shooting automatic guns (this was
added to test 1 patchnotes by mistake, it will change only in test 2)”
談到 9.1 的最佳化,Storm:「基本上把最佳化的主目標放在去除程式延遲以及低配置電
腦上 FPS 降低的狀況。不應讓大多數玩家的遊戲效能降低。二測時會加入一些修正:修正
當地面顯示設置為中或低時切換至狙擊模式時的 FPS 下降問題、改善機砲射擊時的遊戲效
- there will not be any “new arcade mode freezes” 9.1 fixes (SS: as in,
there are apparently no “new arcade mode freezes”)
- it’s not yet decided how developers will deal with Type 59 armor
Storm explaining the attitude towards FPS drops complaints:
“What is valid are only the comparisons of the same replays with the same
graphic settings on the same computers with the same way of recording
statistics (for example with Fraps) and their comparison afterwards.
Everything else is just talk. We, for example, compared in this way the
performance on the computers of players from Minsk, who agreed to lend them
to us to study the issues. The initial input was like “for me FPS dropped
2-3 times”. After the research, the drop was on average no more than 10
percent. This can work the same way around.”
Storm 解釋他對那些抱怨FPS下降的態度:「唯一的測試方式是用相同的電腦、相同設定去
取得一位來自 Minsk 的玩家同意進行實驗;本來他的說法是『FPS掉了五~六成』,測試
- the triple buffer issue was not fixed for now
- according to Storm, the triple buffer issue has nearly zero influence on
FPS, they discovered that after long testing
據 Storm 說法,經長期測試的結果看來,三重緩衝的問題對 FPS 幾乎沒影響。
- “confrontation” will return after its matchmaking is fixed
在重新調教完 MM娘後,「國家對抗」模式會回歸。
- according to Storm, further use of BigWorld engine very much has a future
(SS: as in in WG games)
據 Storm 說法,BigWorld 引擎未來仍大有可為(SS: 如同 WG 的遊戲)。
- it’s possible bigger maps will come, “but no promises”
- developers are not considering transferring to a different game engine, but
modernizing the current one
- Storm confirms that the patch frequency is one per 1,5 months
Storm 證實更新頻率是每一個半月一次。
- there will be a video showing how the WG team recorded the real tank sounds
- apparently there won’t be a third hangar for WoT
WoT 不會有第三個車庫(一般、加值之外)。
9.2 時程表 超測:6/24 或 25
一測:6/29 或 7/1
二測:7/09 或 10
俄服上線:7/21 (譯者:若有變動實屬正常)

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