- Storm states that the new Nvidia drivers provide boost specifically for SLI
in WoT
Storm 表示,Nvidia 的驅動更新特別對 WoT 有使用的 SLI 技術提供性能提昇。
(譯註:SLI,Scalable Link Interface。基本上是多張顯卡在用的技術。無感)
- in 9.0, earlier SLI support got broken
9.0 不支援舊版的 SLI。
- regarding the issue that a configuration with SLI setup did not gain any
FPS from the newest patch, Storm states they made several tests with SLI,
everywhere there was a FPS increase
經 WG 幾次測試,在所有設定下新 SLI 會都增加 FPS。
- apparently, this is actually intentional according to Storm
- Storm confirms RU251 will come this year (SS: 9.3 most likely)
經 Storm 證實 RU251 會在今年推出。(SS: 最可能在 9.3)
- lighting in the new hangar will be fixed a bit later
- 9.1 live patch? “when it’s done it’s done”
9.1 啥時上線?「WIDID」
- the fact that you will be able to select whether you want to download HD
content or not is confirmed
- these factors are taken into account when rebalancing a vehicle, according
to Storm: “winrate, popularity on its tier, skill of players playing it (its
distribution), average XP, average damage, average damage stopped by armor –
many various indicators” – later, Storm however adds that a vehicle won’t
be nerfed based solely on the fact that it is very popular (SS: earlier,
Storm stated however that a very popular vehicle is practically always an
indicator of that vehicle being imbalanced)
據 Storm 說法,平衡車輛時會採計「勝率、同階間的歡迎度、玩家的技術分佈、場均經驗
值、場均坦傷…及很多指標。」稍後他補充說不會單因超受歡迎就砍某台車。(SS: 他之
(譯者:同意。IMBA 是因,受歡迎是果。)
- it’s possible the Ardennes HB that is getting removed in 9.1 will return,
but “no promises”
9.1 移除的「守望萊茵」歷史戰鬥可能以後會回歸,但不保證。
(譯者:名稱非官方用語,遷就我吧(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ)
- how the accuracy will be nerfed is not decided yet, developers are running
- T-44-85 has been “postponed for a long time”
T-44-85 已被束之高閣很久了。
- tank models will be reworked also in standard client, not just in HD
content, the “HD” concerns only texture resolution
以後會有的一般版和 HD 版只差在材質包而已,模型是相同的。
- Havok will work in both SD and HD clients
兩個版本都會支援 Havok 引擎。
- increase of the number of old render settings is not planned
- the “Sturer Emil” (short version of the) name has been cut down because
it doesn’t fit into the interface
「Sturer Emil」名稱被縮寫是因為塞不進UI框架中。
- Tiger nerf? “We will talk about Tiger nerf once it is published and not now
- players with “calculators” (very poor computers) form a bit less than 50
percent of WoT audience
- it’s possible that the alleged new Nvidia SLI fix doesn’t work for all
SLI configurations, Storm states that the only thing they can do is wait for
a fix from Nvidia
Nvidia 新發布的 SLI 修正可能無法適用於所有組態的 SLI,這只能等 Nvidia 修正。
- the nasty bug, where you see your friends, who are actually online, as
offline, will be fixed in 9.1 (SS: *waves at Akcido*)
實際上有上線卻顯示為離線的錯誤會在 9.1 修正。
- Storm states, that it’s possible WoT will reach the amount of details as
in Spin Tires, but only when the network possibilities allow it, which will
be in 5-7 years
Storm 表示 WoT 有可能達到 Spin Tires 的水準,但要網路能負荷才行,這條件要達成大
- on future plans in WoT: “We have to rework a lot of content. Without
losing the game performance.”
WoT 的未來計畫?「會翻新很多內容,且不會影響效能。」
- alleged Windstorm lag issue is not known to the developers, there are no
開發者們未發現據稱在 Windstorm 中出現的延遲錯誤,尚未有證據證實。
- Storm, when asked how many people got their Super Pershing during the
event: “I don’t think I can disclose that info” (he adds that he has
nothing to do with such events)
- there will be arty in WoT for Xbox at some point
- apparently, SerB’s son, who is currently serving in the army, is too tall
to fit into a tank (SS: told you, pointless info)
SerB 去參軍的兒子因為身高問題擠不進戰車裡。(譯者:更沒營養…後悔中)
- according to Overlord, WG has several ideas on gold ammo rebalancing,
including their “limitation” apparently. It is not sure if any of these
ideas will be introduced.
據 Overlord 消息,WG 有幾個平衡金彈的方案,包括限制數量,但還沒有任何定論。