[情報] 6/20 Q&A

作者: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-06-21 02:21:40
之前發生了一些事,導致我很懶得翻 Q&A >"<
- Tier 8 premium German medium – Panther with L/71? Evilly: “You almost
guessed right!”
- Leopard 1, AMX50B and FV4202 will get small buffs
會稍微 buff Leopard 1、AMX50B 和 FV4202
- switching FV4202 for another tank? “Wait for the news around the end of
the year”
會把 FV4202 換掉?「注意年底的消息」
- the “atmospheric Prokhorovka” mentioned as coming in 9.2 – Storm adds
that the map will remain the same, but there will be more traces of combat
(SS: wrecks, destroyed guns etc.) – in case you are wondering how it will
look like, here’s a leak
之前提過的「戰地版」Prokhorovka 會在 9.2 出現。Storm 補充這地圖並不會改,但會增
- Storm confirms that small names of tanks on the minimap will come
Storm 證實會在小地圖上加註戰車名稱
- few new HD tanks coming in 9.2 – because plans changed, the models were
simply not made on time
9.2 只會有少數幾台車輛 HD 化;因為計畫變更,模組來不及生出來
- regarding game performance – “no hopeful solution yet for now”
- KV-1S will be split in 9.3, despite the fact the split was announced like a
year ago: “only now the possibility to do that appeared”, the changes were
tied to its new HD model
KV-1S 會在 9.3 拆車;雖然一年前宣佈過「現在才終於有實現的可能性」,但要 HD 模組
- until now, the developers did work on a strategy “how to rebalance tanks
in the future”
- Hellcat will be rebalanced in the same patch as KV-1S (9.3)
在拆 KV-1S 之前不會砍地獄貓
- the artillery barrage will be a stronkhold consumable apparently
「砲擊彈幕」會是 Stronkhold 模式的消耗性能力
- “no changes were said” about FV215b (120)
FV215b (120)「沒說要動」
- the new lowlevel tank that will be an objective of a mission in summer will
not be Te-Ke
今年夏天大型任務的獎勵車輛不會是九七式軽装甲車 テケ
- 183mm HESH rounds of the FV215b will not be removed
不會移除 FV215b(183)的 HESH 砲彈
作者: goldensnitch (金探子)   2014-06-21 09:25:00
要砍地獄貓喔 我才剛玩 正在爬這條線耶我才剛拿到M8A1 連T49都還沒有 等地獄貓買到的時候剛好被砍對啦 也是為了有頭TD才爬的 無頭車不會開~"~說兩天就出來的是職業玩家吧

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