- the fact some tanks (SS: in this case, IS-7) accelerate slowly is there for
balance reasons
- apparently (if I understand it correctly), the “feature” where tanks lose
a lot of speed on the meeting lines between mountains and regular areas will b
e fixed
- Storm states that when you manage to turn your vehicle on the roof and noone
helps to flip you back on your tracks, the battle is over for you, but also a
dds that such situations are very rare
- tank, flipped on its back, cannot turn the turret and cannot shoot
- Havok has nothing to do with how the suspension works in the game
Havok 引擎和懸吊運作機制無關
- the “jerking” of tracks will be implemented (SS: hard to explain without a
video, it’s a situation where when a tank turns, the track on the opposite s
ide of the turning circle between the first roadwheel and sprocket “jerks”
– if you don’t know what I mean, just take it as “realistic track behavior
will be implemented”)
- SerB now works “on another level” than Storm (“one level higher, even two
- PT-76 in World of Tanks? Storm: “What will it do in WoT? It has no armor. I
t has no speed. The gun sucks, wasn’t built to penetrate armor.”
PT-76? Storm:「沒裝甲、沒速度、砲根本不是拿來穿甲的;要這傢伙來WoT做啥?」
- furthermore on PT-76 topic (SS: some players want it as top Soviet LT) – “
What will you do with 44 km/h speed? Is that a nice scout?”
- there are plans to further develop (improve) light tanks
- new physics prototype has much fewer cases of tanks getting “stuck” over s
- by “new physics prototype” Storm means the rework of tank motion physics
- Storm states that the developers are now looking for ways to introduce reali
stic suspension behavior without screwing anything else up
- IS-4, IS-7 and Maus are doing fine statistically
- Storm stated that they tried to make the tank move completely realistically,
but it was unplayable, so now they are looking for ways how to put playabilit
y and realism together
- the motion model, that was showed in the Developer Diaries video turned out
to be unplayable, because there were many speed losses, just like in real life
. Developers are tuning it.
- Storm states that the new sounds in 9.1 were not tested so that they could b
e released in 9.2, but to gather player feedback – currently, developers are
working on them and after that they will add new ones for more variety. They w
ill come in the future.
- the moving dead tanks bug was mostly fixed, there will be a complete fix, bu
t later, since the developers have to fix many things to get rid of it complet
- barrels will not become material
- the new motion physics will come in not so far future
- SpinTires type terrain physics is impossible to implement in WoT
- so far, the new motion physics made it even to supertest, the developers are
internally deciding whether “all is okay”
- during the first physics test (SS: old physics, as in the ones that are alre
ady in the game), there was a possibility for tanks to climb better (so they c
ould get into all sorts of places), developers decided to remove this and arti
ficially ban tanks from getting through some slopes and spots, because this fe
ature was breaking the maps