- regarding the fact that on some sites (wot-news, vbaddict) some vehicles
appear as underperforming and need buff – “we do not balance the tanks
according to 3rd party sites”
某些網站(例如wot-news, vbaddict)的資訊指出某些車太弱,需要buff:
- IS-7, IS-4 and Maus guns to be buffed? “If we buff their guns, we’ll have
to nerf other parameters”
- Indienpanzer is not “suffering” apparently either (SS: as in, it is not
(meanwhile in 9.2, the iPanzer gets a buff...)
- the “rule of 10 calibers” applies only when main armor is penetrated (eg.
when dealing damage), not after the penetration of spaced armor
- for the purpose of the spotting mechanism change (second part), bushes will
count as obstacles, so if you got spotted while standing behind the bush, you
will disappear when the camo penalty for shooting ends
- basically, regarding the point above, Storm confirms that a tank, that gets
spotted on the open field will never disappear, unless it drives behind an
obstacle (a bush) or out of view range
- maximum spotting distance will not change
- 565 meters maximum drawing distance is not “too little”
- FV304 will be nerfed
- there will be some fixes in the Team Battles mechanism this year (SS: the
player mentions situations where some people take a few tier 2 tanks and join
the automatic team search)
- regarding the UI, introducing garage dynamic tank characteristics in garage
is “much more complicated than introducing a reload timer”
- Overlord on WoT Blitz for Android: “By the end of the year most likely. No
fixed date for now. Really lots of work with all these hardware and software
versions on android.”
Blitz for Android:「應該是年底,時間未定。有一大堆軟硬體問題要處理。」